- In social psychological terms, these persons serve as your psychological reference group. 用社会心理学的话说,这些人就是你的心理参照体。
- For CL teachers, the school (90%) stands among the top half of the reference group of schools. 中文教师方面,本校(90%25)属于参考学校的最高一半。
- The External Reference Group (ERG) made 16 recommendations, most of which his department plans to put into action. ERG给出了16条建议,他的部门计划将其中的大部分付诸实施。
- When compared to the reference group, treated with cream base, a clear shortening of the mean thrombus length was seen after the administration of Hirudoid. 而与用软膏基质的对照组相比,应用喜疗妥后平均血栓长度明显缩短。
- A potential limitation of this study is the use of locoregional treatment as the reference group for inoperable patients. 本研究的限制因素为,作为对照用的局部治疗,只使用在无法开刀的患者身上。
- Please describe the reference group against which you rate the applicant in Questions 4 and 5. (Reference group may be: University graduate, middle management etc. 请您对申请者在第4及5问题中的各项内容其在群体中所处位置给出评价。(参考群体如:大学生、中层管理及其他相关群体)
- Many commercials, for example, attempt to provide surrogate reference groups. 例如:许多商业广告力图提供一些代理参照体。
- For example, to assess IT performance, a research firm or advisor may collect the client‘s data and create reports to plot client performance against a selected reference group. 例如,在进行IT绩效评估时,调研企业或顾问会针对选定的参考组收集客户信息并且通过撰写报告描述客户绩效。
- However, compared with the reference group, the rate of cognitive decline after anticholinergic use was 0.045 units/year more rapid (P = .0044), the authors write. 不过,作者写道,相较于对照组,使用抗胆碱药物后的认知衰退为0.;045单位/年较迅速(P =
- Methotrexate (MTX) was considered individually and, as the most widely prescribed immunosuppressive agent, used as the reference group for other therapies. 最常使用的免疫抑制剂MTX作为对照组被单独评估。
- She peer at me over the top of her glasses. 她从眼镜上方盯着我看。
- Don't refer to this matter again, please. 请不要再提这件事了。
- Depending of the number of ad points you make, you will receive new referrals in your referral group. 你做的广告点的数量的依靠,你将在你的介绍组接受新介绍。
- Children are easily influenced by their peer. 孩子很容易受同辈影响。
- That is, for whatever reason, the referent group simply places no moral value on charitable contributions. 这就是,不论何种原因,指涉组简单的地方,没有道德价值上的慈善捐款。
- Grouping longer-term abstainers and recent quitters together as the reference group inflated the observed protective effect of alcohol, the authors note. 作者称,将长期禁酒组和最近戒酒组合并作为一个参照组后,所观察到的饮酒预防作用更大。
- The cumulative exposure distribution was divided into quartiles and adjusted odds ratios were calculated using the lowest quartile as the referent group. 累积暴露分布被区分为4等分,并且利用最低暴露的1/4族群作为参考来计算调整后的对比值。
- Another culprit behind the hedonic treadmill is the shift in reference groups that occurs as we move up the economic ladder. 快乐跑步机“背后另一个”真凶’是当我们每上一个经济台阶后在参考群体对象上的转移。
- She gets on well with her peer group. 她和同龄人相处融洽。
- The bait coefficient statistical results showed that the 0.50% SMW-chitosan groups bait coefficient has descend 24.10% than the reference groups. 0.;50%25低分子壳聚糖实验组的饲料系数比对照组下降24