- pectin transeliminase [化] 果胶反式消去酶
- Influence of Pressure on Pectin. 压力对胶质的影响。
- Jam, and jelly both contain pectin. 果酱果冻中都含有果胶。
- The goal of retting is to bring about decomposition of the pectin. 浸渍的目的就是在于使果胶质分解。
- After testing many other compounds, the team tried pectin. 再试过其他一些物质之后,小组又尝试了果胶。
- As to the maximal amplitude (ma) pectin was higher than dextron. 至于ma值则大于右旋糖酐组。
- You can use pectin and gelatin powder instead of agar-agar. 果冻粉可用菜燕粉及吉利丁粉代替(份量相同)。
- Fig 4. Theory of flocculate formation of pectin and protein. 圖四、果膠與蛋白質作用形成絮集之機制。
- Thus pectin and glucose has good interaction effect. 因此,果胶-葡萄糖的组合对膜各性能的改善效果较佳。
- This material includes cellulose, hemicelluloses, pectin, and lignin. 它包括纤维素、半纤维素、果胶和木质素。
- Pectin is entirely degraded by bacteria when it reaches the large bowel. 排至大肠时果胶会被细菌完全分解。
- Note: If pectin is not available, you may substitute jelly of the same color. 注:若无亮光胶,可以适量同颜色果酱代替
- In this paper a new method of extracting pectin from orange peel isreported. 本文提出了一种从柑桔皮中提取果胶的新方法。
- The absorbance at 630nm is the index of transmittancy of pectin solution. 以630nm吸光度作为果胶溶液色度的指标;
- Limiting flux during the ultrafiltration of citrus pectin was investigated. 研究了柠檬果胶超滤时极限透过率规律。
- In addition, apples contain pectin, which helps to lower cholesterol. 另外,苹果也含有有助降低胆固醇的果胶。
- Pectin、cell membrane permeate rate、the activity of PPO was ascend. 果胶、细胞膜渗透率、PPO酶活性呈上升趋势;
- Under the optimal conditions,the extraction rate of pectin is about 9%. 在优惠工艺条件下,粗果胶得率可达9%25左右。
- Precipitation: adding an appropriate amount of pectin cacl2 precipitation. 沉析:加入适量cacl2沉析果胶。
- This paper describes the advance,preparation and application of Low-methoxyl pectin in detail. 作者就低酯果胶的研究进展、制备方法以及应用做一综述。