- peak density function 峰值密度函数
- From this expression, the Peak Probability Density Function (PDF)of echoes in the time gate is conducted by using statistical theory, and has been strong proved by field data. 然后从该式出发,应用统计学原理导出了在整个取样门持续时间内,回波峰值的概率密度函数(PDF),并给出和讨论了现场的骓证结果。
- The strain energy density function equals the Helmholtz. 应变能密度函数等于亥姆霍兹函数。
- Computational investigation for HIO3 isomers by density function theory[J]. 引用该论文 刘颖;刘文清;李海洋;程爽.
- Density Functional Theory, Cytosine, Tautomerism. 密度泛函理论;胞嘧啶;
- double peak probability density function 双峰稳态概率密度
- In the GIT of A. wuyiensis, the region with the highest degree of cell type heterogeneity was pylorus and all types of endocrine cell along the GIT showed peak density in pylorus as well. 在武夷湍蛙胃肠道内具有最多种类型内分泌细胞分布的部位是幽门,同时胃肠道内各种内分泌细胞在此部位也显示出最高的分布密度。
- As far as the main features are concerned, the nocturnal variation and seasonal variation characteristics of atomic oxygen peak density are consistent with those of OI5577 airglow intensity. 就主要特征而言,反演出的原子氧浓度峰值的夜间变化特征和季节变化特征分别与OI5577气辉强度的一致。
- S. is only about 1 percent of the peak density in cities, the intercept would effectively devalue the enemy's missile force by a factor of 100, which should be enough to deter the launch. 因为美国的全国平均人口密度,仅为都市人口集中地区密度的1%25,所以拦截行动可有效把敌方飞弹的破坏力降低为原来的1%25,这应该足以遏阻敌人的攻击。
- Electronic structure and bonding model of TATB are studied by density function and discrete varia-tional (DFT-DVM) method. 用离散变分密度泛函方法(DFT-DVM)研究了TATB分子的电子结构和成键图像。
- The constraint condition for the strain energy density function of incompressible hyperelasticity is proposed. 通过对各种有限元方法的分析比较,适当修改了已有的应变能密度函数的形式使之更适合数值计算。
- Added peripherals and higher density functions (approx. 增加的外设和更高密度的功能(近似)
- Tell me more about how CASTEP uses density functional theory. 关于CASTEP怎么使用密度告诉我更多功能的理论。
- The jointed density function of two angles is developed for recognition of polyhedral objects. 利用投影角度的联合概率函数可识别多面体。
- Density function B3LYP method was applied to study 10 cyclic hydronitrogen compounds. 应用密度泛函理论对10种环状氮氢化合物异构体进行了研究。
- If cumulative is TRUE, EXPONDIST returns the cumulative distribution function; if FALSE, it returns the probability density function. 如果cumulative为TRUE,函数EXPONDIST返回累积分布函数;如果cumulative为FALSE,返回概率密度函数。
- In this paper, the method of generating random number with given probability density function is proposed by using vertical density representation. 摘要本文首先介绍基于垂直概率密度表示的,给定密度函数的随机数生成的通用方法;
- The reaction mechanism of BrO with CH3SH has been investigated by density function theory (DFT) and electronic density topological analysis method. 利用密度泛函和电子密度拓扑分析方法对BrO与CH3SH反应的微观机理进行了理论研究.
- The distribution density function and information entropy are used to assess the forecasting data mining tools for its value. 利用分布密度函数和信息熵对预测型数据挖掘工具进行价值评估,确定预测型数据挖掘带来的价值;
- The structure of PMN is a four layer feedforward neural networks(FNN), where the Gaussian probability density function is realized as an internal node. PMN网为一个四层前馈网,它构成一个贝叶斯分类器,实现多类分类的贝叶斯判别,把输入的说话人语音数据模型参数通过网络变换为输出的说话人判定。