- The beauty of the peach blossom is beyond description. 桃花的美丽难以形容。
- peach blossom complex 桃源情结
- There the Peach Blossom are in Full Bloom. 在那桃花盛开的地方。
- My lifeblood is author of this peach blossom scene. 薄命人写了一幅桃花照。
- In only a few strokes, you have created a real peach blossom fan! 竟是几笔折枝桃花真乃桃花扇也!
- Dover is the capital;the state flower is the peach blossom. 多佛是德拉瓦州的首府,而州花是桃花。
- Hurstwood was sorry when a character, known as Peach Blossom, interrupted her. 她的独白被一个叫作桃花的角色打断了,这让赫斯渥感到遗憾。
- The fairyland of peach blossom is bookmen's ideal "perching place of poesy". 世外桃源是文人理想中的诗意栖居。
- Guilin is also famous for its meandering Lijiang River and Peach Blossom River. 桂林还以蜿蜒的漓江和桃花江闻名遐迩。
- Faramita peach blossom is brilliant red , fragrant Hua Chu of characters shows. 彼岸桃花红艳艳,文字芳华初露。
- He befriended Huang at Peach Blossom Wood outside Gusu City a year ago.Day 4. 他和黄药师在姑苏城外的桃花林一见如故。
- The fairyland of peach blossom has the symbolic meaning of peach wood charms. 桃源意象具有桃板、桃符的象征意义。
- The peach blossoms are at their best now. 桃花正在盛开。
- Peach blossoms signal the coming of spring. 桃花为这里带来春天的信息。
- Flower's nature is similar with women's eugenics so that the peach fruitage and peach blossom are always representing women. 花卉和女性的生殖能力具有同构性,因此用桃果实、桃花来比拟女性。
- Today one can still find the tomb and tombstone of Cai Yong at Peach Blossom Cave in Chenliu Village of Kaifeng. 今日,开封市陈留村桃花洞前还保存着蔡邕墓和石碑。
- Elephant Trunk Hill juts out into the Li River where it joins the Peach Blossom River. 象鼻山在漓江与桃花河交汇处突兀地显现出来。
- The peach blossom world , number men of letters eulogize her , romantic but are rich in poetry. 桃花的世界,多少文人墨客赞美她,浪漫而富有诗意。
- At Tso Pema you will experience an idyllic land reminiscent of the Chinese’s Peach Blossom myth. 我看到的是一个被政府过度规划,过度保护的死城。
- Out of the cave, the fisherman found that raft and then slowly punted it away from the Peach Blossom Glen. 渔夫出了洞口,找到了那只木筏,就慢慢地撑着离开了桃花源。