- He was recruiting villagers for a peaceful demonstration against the overlords from England. 他号召村民们举行和平示威,反对英国统治者。
- Kasparov was recently jailed because he participated in a peaceful demonstration for democracy. 但赞扬克里姆林宫的候选人无助于实现这样的选举。
- It was a small and peaceful demonstration so I don't know why there was such a big police presence. It was like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. 这只是个小型的和平示威,真不明白为什么有那么多警察,简直是小题大做。
- A large but peaceful demonstration in central Athens turned violent when rioters threw rocks and firebombs at the police. 希腊;雅典:原本平静的游行在那些暴民向警方投掷石块和燃烧弹后演变成了暴力冲突.
- Officers will be tolerant of peaceful demonstrations. 官员们会接受和平的示威游行.
- Monks and the lay people in Chacha (Ch. Gonghe) County in Amdo (Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai Province) held the peaceful demonstration, but were dispersed by the military police. 下午,安多(青海省海南藏族自治州共和县)(藏语恰卜恰)的僧侣和民众举行游行和抗议,被当局军警驱散。
- a peaceful demonstration, reign, period of history 和平示威、 太平盛世、 历史上的和平时期
- A peaceful demonstration,reign,period of history 和平示威、太平盛世、历史上的和平时期
- We must press the regime in Burma to stop arresting, harassing and assaulting pro-democracy activists for organizing or participating in peaceful demonstrations. 我们也必须敦促缅甸政府停止逮捕、迫害和袭击那些组织或参与和平示威的民主派活动家。”
- In 1992, after Indonesian military units massacred peaceful demonstrators in Dili, East Timor, Congress terminated military aid to the Indonesian government. 在1992年,印尼军方在东帝汶的首都帝力大量屠杀和平示威者之后,美国国会终止了对印尼政府的军方援助。
- This is a repeat of the clampdown by police in Petaling Jaya two weeks ago against peaceful demonstrators who were preparing to end their candle light vigil following the national anthem. 这是两星期前八打灵再也净选盟周年纪念,警察在国歌声中逮捕集会者的镇压的重演。
- It is love that/which makes the world peaceful. 使世界和平的就是爱。
- A disorderly demonstration will take place. 一场示威游行将要发生。
- The peaceful demonstrations and protests of the Khatami era are no longer tolerated: in January security forces attacked striking bus drivers in Tehran and arrested hundreds of them. 和平示威与哈塔米时代的抗议如今已不在可能:今年1月,国家安全力量攻击了抗议的巴士司机并逮捕了其中数百位抗议者;
- The demonstration passed off without incident. 游行自始至终未发生意外。
- However, at the same time, the sudden appearance of a large number of plaza French military, police, peaceful demonstrations beginning on unarmed masses of the people start frantically repression. 然而,与此同时,广场突然出现大批法国军警,开始对和平请愿手无寸铁的人民群众开始疯狂镇压。
- The demonstration erupted into violence. 示威游行中突然出现了武斗。
- He says China's heavy-handed response to peaceful demonstrations by Tibetans and other minority ethnic groups has only served to heighten the crisis and further alienate young people. 他称中国对藏族和其它少数民族的和平请愿游行的强硬反应只会加重危机,使年轻一代的人对当局进一步疏离。
- Samak urged the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) to pack up and go home, saying his patience was running out after three months of hitherto peaceful demonstrations in central Bangkok. 沙玛敦促人民民主联盟(PAD)的成员们回家,称政府已经没有耐心了。迄今为止,在曼谷的和平抗议已经持续了三个月。
- Police on horseback broke up the demonstration. 骑警驱散了游行。