- pdb file ebook? 同埋睇唔睇到 .
- Specify the name of a PDB file in this box. 在该框中指定PDB文件的名称。
- It is a security risk to open a PDB file from an untrusted source. 打开来自不受信任的源的PDB文件是一种安全风险。
- Type information is placed in the. Pdb file, and not in the. Obj file. 类型信息放置在.;pdb文件而不是
- Note: You do not have to use the Ssnetlib. Pdb file that is in the package. 注意:您不必使用软件包中的Ssnetlib.;pdb文件。
- However, loading the PDB file requires that the file be available and has a negative performance impact. 但是,加载PDB文件要求该文件可用,并且对性能有不利影响。
- Specify the name of a PDB file in this box if you do not want to include private symbols in the PDB file. 如果不希望在PDB文件中包含私有符号,则在该框中指定PDB文件的名称。
- The Visual Studio debugger uses the path to the PDB in the EXE or DLL file to find the project. Pdb file. Visual Studio调试器使用EXE或DLL文件中的PDB路径查找project.;pdb文件。
- Directive in the file, it computes the checksum and writes the value to the PDB file. 指令,它将计算校验和,然后将算出的值写入PDB文件。
- You do not specify the object's PDB file name to the linker; LINK uses the embedded name to find the PDB if it is needed. 不将对象的PDB文件名指定给链接器;如果需要,LINK使用嵌入的名称查找PDB。
- Please disregard both the Ssnetlib. Pdb file and the instructions for the Ssnetlib. Pdb file that are in the Readme. Rtf file. 请忽略Ssnetlib.;pdb文件以及Readme
- Source Server reads the application's PDB file, which contains pointers to the source code repository, as well as commands used to retrieve source code from the repository. 源服务器读取应用程序的PDB文件,该文件包含指向源代码储存库的指针,以及用于从该储存库检索源代码的命令。
- If you specify a path name that does not include a file name (the path ends in backslash), the compiler creates a. Pdb file named VCx0. Pdb. In the specified directory. 如果指定的路径名不包含文件名(路径以反斜杠结尾);编译器将在指定目录中创建名为VCx0.;pdb
- When there is no source code on the local machine or the PDB file does not match the source code, you can use Source Server to help debug an application. 如果本地计算机上没有源代码,或者PDB文件与源代码不匹配,您可以使用源服务器来帮助调试应用程序。
- The XML file is self-contained and does not require that assemblies or. Pdb files also be opened. XML文件是独立的文件;不需要同时打开程序集或.;pdb文件。
- Creating PDB files can be very useful if you later need to debug your release version. 如果以后还需要调试发布版本,创建PDB文件就非常有用。
- DBG files have been superseded by PDB files, which are now more commonly used for debugging. DBG文件已经由PDB文件替代,PDB文件现在更常用于调试。
- When you use this option, your. Obj files will be smaller, because debugging information is stored in the. Pdb file rather than in. Obj files. 当使用此选项时;.;obj文件将较小;因为调试信息存储在
- To distinguish user code ("My Code") from non-user code, Just My Code looks at three things: DBG Files, PDB files, and optimization. 为了区分用户代码(“我的代码”)和非用户代码,“仅我的代码”将查看三项内容:DBG文件、PDB文件和优化。
- sys: Matching PDB file not found. Error translating E:我的梦工厂DDKRepSampleDriverobjchki386RepSample.