- pay my debt to naturevi. 死(寿终)
- paid my debt to naturev. 死(寿终)
- "Three days ago, Wang Lang came here and spent a long time pressing me to pay my debt to him. After he had left, I went out. I sat under a tree on the shore of Jiumu Lake and thought of committing suicide. “三天前,王狼来坐讨了半天的债回去以后,我也跟着他去,走到了九亩潭边,我很不想要做人了。
- I cannot but borrow money in order to pay my debt. 为了要还债,我不得不借钱。
- Now it is time for me to repay my debt to you. 现在是我向你们报恩的时候了。”
- I would like to acknowledge my debt to my teachers. 我想向我的老师表达我的感激之情。
- I can't let you pay my debts I won't hear of such a thing. 我不能让你替我还债--我不同意此事。
- In love I pay my endless debt to thee for what thou art. 不论你是什么,在爱情里,我还你无穷的债务。
- I always pay my debts punctually; it's a point of honour with me. 我还债总是很准时; 这是我的名誉问题.
- And can't ever pay my debt. 所欠的债务自己无法还偿。
- I miss them tonight, and know that my debt to them is beyond measure. 今晚,我很想念他们,我也知道,我对他们的亏欠是无法衡量的。
- I shall have to sell up to pay all my debts. 我将不得不卖掉我的东西来还债。
- Please pay my respects to your mother. 请代我向伯母致意。
- In addition to being a great teacher, Ben was a wonderful friend. My debt to him is incalculable. 除了是一位伟大的老师,葛拉罕更是一位难得的挚友,他对我的恩情比天高比海深。
- I've got to pay my rent this morning. 今天上午我必须付房租。
- And I hope to reflect what I learned right here and in some small way repay my debt to Dartmouth. 我也希望反思我在这里所学的一切,并略尽绵力来报答达特茅斯对我的栽培。
- Miracles are contrary to nature. 奇迹是与大自然的力量相对的。
- From the earth to the cross, My debt to pay; 你从地上走向十架,为我偿还;
- I reflection, I am willing to pay homage to nature. 我在反思,我甘心对大自然顶礼膜拜。
- This will cancel your debt to me. 这可抵消你欠我的债务。