- Virtue is a jewel of great price. [谚]美德是无价之宝。
- A jewel fell off her ring and she could find neither hide nor hair of it. 一颗宝石从她的戒指上脱落了,她四下找,却杳无踪迹。
- He left a jewel as pledge for the borrowed horse. 他留下一块宝石当作借马的质押。
- pawn a jewel 典当宝石
- V is for virtue,virtue is a jewel of great price. V代表美德,美德是无价之宝。
- V is virtue, virtue is a jewel of great price. 是美德,美德是价值连城的珠玉。
- It is a jewel worn by noble souls. 它是高尚灵魂所佩戴的珠宝。
- The bird takes a jewel from the prince's coat. 小鸟从王子的外套摘下一颗宝石。
- Virtue is beyond price./ Virtue is a jewel of great price. 美德乃无价之宝.
- The poor pauper paused on purpose to pawn a porpoise. 贫穷的乞丐有意停下来典当一只海豚。
- Please take a jewel from my shirt and fly to the house. 所以请你从我的衬衫摘下一颗宝石,飞送到那户人家。
- We buy jewelry from a jeweller's shop. 我们在珠宝店买珠宝。
- Plain dealing is a jewel, but they that use it die beggars. 坦诚虽胜珠宝,谁靠它谁死时仍身无分文。
- Plain-dealing is a jewel, and he that useth it shall die a beggar. 坦诚待人是难能可贵的品质;但是,坦诚待人的人终将潦倒而死。
- She runs a jeweler concessionin the hotel lobby. 她在饭店大厅经营着一个获特许权的珠宝店。
- Plain dealing is a Jewel but they that use it die beggars. 正直贵如宝石,但用它之人皆穷困而死。
- She runs a jeweler concession in the hotel lobby . 她在饭店大厅经营着一个获特许权的珠宝店。
- A handsome woman is a jewel; a good woman is a treasure. 美丽的女人只是饰品;贤惠的女人菜市宝物。
- I'm looking for a jeweler to buy a ring. 我找一家珠宝行,买一个戒指。
- He also wore a jewelled crown for such occasions. 他也会为这种场合戴上宝石王冠。