- pavement elastic modulus 路面模量
- To evaluate the carrying capacity of the existing AC pavement,the surface elastic deflection is measured using the Beckman beam or FWD,and the compositive elastic modulus can be calculated. The standard control value of the modules recommended is 188 MPa. 采用贝克曼梁或落锤式弯沉仪(Falling Weight Deflectometer;FWD);测定旧沥青路面表面回弹弯沉;计算综合回弹模量;来评价旧沥青路面承载能力;并推荐控制标准值为当量回弹模量宜大于188 MPa.
- The static elastic modulus of the alloy is lower than 30 GPa. 合金的静态弹性模量小于30GPa;
- The various types of stress, strain, and elastic modulus are summarized in Table 10-3. 各种应力、应变和弹性模量列于表10-3中。
- The larger the elastic modulus, the greater the stress needed for a given strain. 弹性模量越大,产生一定应变所需要的应力也越大。
- The ratio of stress to strain, or the stress per unit strain, is called an elastic modulus of the material. 应力与应变之比,即每单位应变的应力,叫做该材料的弹性模量。
- However, the elastic modulus of SCC is not significantly affected by S/A ratio when total aggregate volume is kept constant. 然而对弹性模数而言,当骨材总体积量一定时,改变混凝土含砂率对于弹性模数并没有太大的影响。
- The equivalent elastic modulus was deduced by comprehensive considering deflection and elastic modulus. 通过综合考虑挠度引起弹性模量和弹性伸长引起弹性模量推导出等效弹性模量。
- The effects of fiber distributing orientation and its length on elastic modulus of solidified resin are discussed. 依据复合材料相关理论预测了固化层片及固化零件的机械性能,如弹性模量、强度。
- The elastic modulus of foam core and composite skins and the stiffness of sandwich are analyzed. 分析了复合材料面层的弹性常数、泡沫芯层的模量和夹层结构的刚度;
- The study shows that the elastic modulus of the unconsolidated rock is very low. 随着含水饱和度的增大,弹性模量减小,泊松比的变化规律不太明显;
- A tipless cantilever was used to measure the elastic modulus of the single voxel with the ellipsoid shape. 借助于原子力显微镜,选用无针尖探针对成型点的力学性能进行了测试,建立了椭球-平面接触的弹性力学模型。
- As a result , RBC membrane elastic modulus using elliptical model is 20.9% greater than that of rectangular model. 结果发现,用椭圆模型估算所得的红细胞弹性模量比用矩形模型估算所得的红细胞弹性模量在数值上增加20。9%25。
- The calculation method of the elastic modulus of bell-shaped Metal Rubber (MR) isolator was investigated. 摘要给出了计算金属橡胶鼓形隔振器的当量弹性模量的方法。
- Meanwhile, the relationship among the average top settlement, the average load and elastic modulus is also analyzed. 同时,分析了平均桩顶沉降、平均桩顶轴力以及土体弹性模量三者之间的关系。
- The indenter, which has a finite elastic modulus, also undergoes elastic deformation under the applied load . 压头也具有一定的弹性模数,所以在加载的时候它自身也要承受弹性变形。
- The elastic moduli Eijlm represents a tensor of the fourth order. 弹性模数Eijlm表示一个四阶张量。
- The hooping mechanism coefficient,theoretic formulas of the composite axis pressed elastic modulus were gained. 理论计算公式能够准确可靠地描述钢管混凝土构件在小变形下的弹性行为及套箍机理。
- The equivalent elastic modulus and the nominal axial stress of non-regular holey laminated plates are assumed. 引入等效弹性模量和名义截面应力的概念,建立了单向非规则多孔材料层合板的正交各向异性力学模型。
- The ripeness index was derived from the elastic sphere model to determine elastic modulus. 且利用弹性圆球理论求出弹性模数,推导出一成熟度指标因子。