- The hot pavement sent up shimmers. 晒热的道路浮起热气晃动的景象。
- There was litter strewn all over the pavement. 人行道上到处都是扔的垃圾。
- Pavement artist( person who draws on the pavement with coloured chalks,esp in order to be given money by passers-by) 马路画家(用彩色粉笔在街上作画;尤指向行人讨钱的).
- The compacted snow on the pavement turned to ice. 人行道上被踩实的雪已变成了冰。
- It must have been raining. The pavement is all wet. 刚才准是下雨了。人行道都湿了。
- How do you react to this modern artist's paintings? 你对这位现代艺术家的画有何评价?
- The famous artist opened the concert with a song. 这位著名的艺术家以一首歌曲开始了音乐会。
- Mary's painting would do credit to a real artist. 玛丽的画给一个真正的艺术家增添了荣誉。
- The hoop rolled along the pavement. 圆环沿人行道滚动。
- He was a famous artist in the twenties. 他在二十年代是一个著名的艺术家。
- The gentleman tapped his stick on the pavement. 那位男士用手杖轻敲人行道。
- The pavement was covered in dogs' excrement. 便道上满是狗屎。
- The egoism of an artist sometimes seem natural. 艺术家的自负有时看起来是自然的。
- The artist brought his paints with him. 那画家自带颜料。
- The artist's smock was covered in paint. 那艺术家的罩衣上沾满了颜料。
- I found a 5 note on the pavement. 我在人行道上捡到了一张5英镑的纸币。
- This painting exemplifies the artist's early style. 这幅画是该画家早期艺术风格的典型。
- A short plump woman came waddling along the pavement. 有个矮胖女子一摇一摆地沿人行道走来。
- As an artist, she can run rings around her brother. 她在艺术方面的成就显然胜过她的哥哥。
- He is little known as an artist. 他是个不出名的艺术家。