- The PCRE library is a set of functions that implement regular expression pattern matching using the same syntax and semantics as Perl 5. 如果只是简单的替代或者是搜寻,建议使用一般的字串函式,但是如果是比较复杂的操作,建议使用正规表示式来解决问题。
- You can also use pattern matching with conditions. 还可以对条件使用模式匹配。
- Memory plays an enormous role in pattern matching. 记忆在模式的匹配中扮演了一个重要的角色。
- Extract a substring from a string based upon a pattern match. 基于模式匹配从字符串中提取子字符串。
- Likewise, complex computations such as pattern matching scale better. 同样,诸如图形匹配一类的复杂计算变得更好。
- Likewise,complex computations such as pattern matching scale better. 同样,诸如图形匹配一类的复杂计算变得更好。
- Represents the attributes of a match made using text pattern matching. 表示使用文本样式匹配所进行的匹配的属性。
- The Like operator is defined only for pattern matching of String operands. 仅为String操作数的模式匹配定义Like运算符。
- The most important sector in Misuse intrusion detection is pattern matching. 滥用入侵检测技术中最重要的一个环节是模式匹配,目前的模式匹配主要是对报文中特征字符串的匹配。
- So the fine effects to reduce the pattern match search time in the cou... 该方法对复杂系统可靠性工程的深入研究及应用具有一定的参考价值。
- We construct three kinds of systems of knowing action, prove that they have the frame soundness and frame completeness with respect to the matched semantics, respectively. 我们提出三类知道活动的系统,分别证明它们相对匹配的语义有框架可靠性和框架完全性。
- The built-in operators make text searching, replacing, and pattern matching effortless. 内置的操作符使得文本搜索、替换和模式匹配轻而易举。
- Characters, including underscore (_), percent (%), and brackets ([ ]), used with the LIKE keyword for pattern matching. 与LIKE关键字一起使用以进行模式匹配的字符,包括下划线(_)、百分号(%25)和方括号([])。
- Allows pattern matching to stop after processing the first successful match out of a number of alternatives. 允许模式匹配在处理大量替换选项中的第一个成功匹配后停止。
- Returns the nine most-recently memorized portions found during pattern matching. 返回在模式匹配期间找到的,所存储的最近的九个部分。
- The algorithm automatically recognizes and counts the objects in an image via pattern matching. 算法通过对图像中的目标进行模式匹配处理,自动识别目标,实现目标的计数功能。
- This paper in detailes analyzes some pattern matching algorithms,such as KMP,BM,RK and SO. 分析几种模式匹配算法如KMP、BM、RK、SO。
- And Perl uses sophisticated pattern matching techniques to scan large amounts of data quickly. Perl还采用复杂的结构匹配技术来快速扫描大量的数据。
- An object counting algorithm based on pattern matching is developed in this paper. 摘要开发了基于模式匹配的目标点数算法。
- An objects counting algorithm based on pattern matching was developed in this paper. 摘要设计了一种基于模式匹配的目标点识别算法。