"a hapless victim"
"miserable victims of war"
"the shabby room struck her as extraordinarily pathetic"
"piteous appeals for help"
"pitiable homeless children"
"a pitiful fate"
"Oh, you poor thing"
"his poor distorted limbs"
"a wretched life"
inspiring mixed contempt and pity;
"their efforts were pathetic"
"pitiable lack of character"
"pitiful exhibition of cowardice"
inspiring scornful pity;
"how silly an ardent and unsuccessful wooer can be especially if he is getting on in years"
用作形容词 (adj.)
We saw the pathetic sight of starving children. 我们看到挨饿的儿童悲惨可怜的样子。
She dances well, but as a singer, she is pathetic. 她跳舞跳得好,但唱歌就差劲了。
God! The freshmen are pathetic this year! 天啊!今年的大一新生什么也不懂!
I never heard anything that sounded so pathetic. 我从未听说过如此悲伤的事了。
His tears were pathetic to witness. 他的眼泪引起在场人的怜悯。
It was pathetic to watch her condition deteriorate. 看着她的健康状况恶化真是感到难过。
The police do not pity those poor, pathetic and helpless homeless. 警察一点也不同情那些既悲哀又无助的游民。