- No environmental pollution is confirmed to environmental demand, and there exists product patent number. 无公害符合环保需求,并有产品专利字号。
- The machinery and equipment of the Vessel may bear the patent number, trademarks or trade names of the manufacturers. 本船的机器和设备可能印有专利号、商标和厂商名称。
- Molnar, J. H., “Wheelchair Suspension,” U.S. Patent Number: 20040060748, 2004. 伍必翔,”具辅助轮之电动轮椅轮架机构”,中华民国专利公告编号574915,中华民国93年2月1日。
- Loffler, D. G.; Faz, C. F.; Sokolovskii, V.; Iglesia, E.; United States Patent, Patent Number: 0,071,792, 2002. 汤竣凯,“以铝粒分散商业触媒进行甲醇水蒸气重组器操作性能之研究”,硕士论文,大同大学化学工程研究所,民国96年
- Philip R. Keegan, “All-Wheel Steering Mechanism for A Cleaning Vehicle,” U.S. Patent Number: 5890558, Apr. 6, 1999. 何荣芳,代步车前轮转向机构,中华民国专利公告编号375033,中华民国88年11月21日。
- Ullman, D. G., ‘‘Recumbent bicycle,” U.S. Patent Number: 5509678, Apr. 23, 1996. 机国龙,运动休閒车之驱动结构,中华民国专利公告编号505140,中华民国91年10月1日。
- The press noted that in their demo machine with a technology patent number is the sign of an Enterprise subscription. 记者注意到,在他们演示的机器上贴有技术专利号被某企业认购的标牌。
- Krauss-Maffei AG, Munich, Germany, “Mold-closing Apparatus for an Injection-Molding Machine,” United States Patent Number: 5,811,141, 1998. 林郁伟,“学习控制理论于智慧型射出成型控制之研究,”国立中正大学机械工程所硕士论文,2002。
- Yamaguchi S. and Furuhashi N. “Method and Circuit for Driving Piezoelectric Transformer,” United States Patent, Patent number 6268681, July 2001. 林柏丞,相位控制之压电式背光反流器,国立台湾大学电子工程学研究所硕士论文,2005年7月。
- Zeev Wertheimer, Nahariya, Israel, “Clamping Assembly for an Injection Moulding,” United States Patent Number: 5,354,196, 1994. 黄相宇,“射出机锁模系统设计与分析,”国立成功大学机械工程研究所硕士论文,2002。
- The HGS series environmental-protecting sand dry equipments is the zpatented product of my company, patent number is: 200420050881. HGS系列环保型干砂设备是我公司的专利产品,专利号为:200420050881.
- Well, people have. In fact, look up English patent number 8274, filed in 1894, and you'll see that it's far from a new idea. It's just never taken off. 其实,人们早就这么想了,查看一下1894年专利号为8274的英国专利,你就会发现这远非新的设想。只是这个想法从未得以普及发展。
- Naohiro Tsuda and Hiromitsu Kobayashi, “Mechanism For Aligning A Waveguide Type Optical Member And Fiber Arrays,” US Patent Number 6,931,752 B2. 刘永田、李振豪,“利用气压缸与压电元件之高精密定位系统研究,”第十九届机械工程研讨会论文集,云林,第1-7页,2002。
- Expand search to include all patent numbers in the found patent family. 方式,该方式可以将检索扩展到同族专利中所有的专利号。
- Where such person requests for a search report on a utility model patent,he shall submit a request,indicating the patent number of the said patent for utility model. 请求作出实用新型专利检索报告的,应当提交请求书,并指明实用新型专利的专利号。
- Where such person requests for a search report on a utility model patent, he shall submit a request, indicating the patent number of the said patent for utility model. 请求作出实用新型专利检索报告的,应当提交请求书,并指明实用新型专利的专利号。
- Krauss-Maffei AG, Munich, Germany, “Mold Closing Device for Plastics Molding Machine, in Particular an Injection Molding Machine,” United States Patent Number: 5,858,421, 1999. 陈克昌,“射出成型机射出切保压控制方法之研究,”国立高雄第一科技大学机械与自动化工程系硕士论文,2001。
- Farina, E., “Bicycle and the like with chain transmission, multiple gears and pedal unit placed on the outside of the rear wheel,” U.S. Patent Number: 6086079, Jul. 11, 2000. 廖学森与黄天佑,滑板车前踏传动机构改良,中华民国专利公告编号500090,中华民国91年8月21日。
- By default, patent numbers, application and priority numbers are displayed in STN format. 预先设定地,专利权数字、申请和优先数字是显示以STN的格式。
- Where any fee is paid by way of bank or postal remittance,the applicant or the patentee shall indicate on the money order at least the correct filing number or the patent number and the name of the fee paid. 通过邮局或者银行汇付的,应当在送交国务院专利行政部门的汇单上写明正确的申请号或者专利号以及缴纳的费用名称。