- In addition to the copyright law, there is also patent law. 除了版权法,知识产权法体系中还包括专利法。
- Patentee shall pay annual fee pursuant to the Patent Law and Enforcement Rules. 专利权人应当依照专利法及其实施细则规定缴纳年费。
- Patent law gives an inventor the sole and exclusive right to exploit and to authorise another to exploit an invention. 专利法给予发明人独占的,排它的权利去使用其发明或授权他人使用其发明。
- On April 1,1985,the first day the Patent Law came into effect,3,455 applications for patent rights were submitted. 1985年4月1日,专利法实施的首日就受理专利申请3455件。
- Furthermore, the law discusses regulations concerning the infringement or violation of the patent law. 另外,对于专利侵权和违反专利法的后果也在其法律规定之列。
- The divisional application shall go through all the formalities in accordance with the provisions of the Patent Law and these Implementing Regulations. 分案申请应当依照专利法及本细则的规定办理有关手续。
- Referring to the work on patent law, she encouraged a holistic approach in order to achieve a balanced outcome. 对于专利法的工作,她鼓励以一个全盘的方式来获得一个平衡的结果。
- Patent law generally requires a Law degree and then you work for a company that specialzies in Intellectual Property. 专利法一般都规定了法律学位,然后你的工作,为公司specialzies知识产权。
- The Delegation said that sub paragraph (g) was picked up in the Standing Committee on the Patent Law Treaty (PLT). 巴西代表团说,(g)小段是专利法条约常设委员会专门挑选的。
- The first day of any time limit provided in the Patent Law or these Rules shall not be counted. 专利法和本细则规定的各种期限的第一日不计算在期限内。
- That was being implemented through the decision to hold an open Forum on the Substantive Patent Law Treaty (SPLT). 这是通过关于举办公开的实体专利法论坛的决定而实施的。
- On April 1, 1985, the first day the Patent Law came into effect, 3,455 applications for patent rights were submitted. 1985年4月1日,专利法实施的首日就受理专利申请3455件。
- Under the Patent Law,the competent authorities in the State Council and local people's governments have the right to establish patent offices. 根据专利法的规定,国务院有关主管部门或地方人民政府可以设立专利管理机关。
- A trademark law and a patent law have been promulgated and put in force. On June 1,1991,a copyright law went into effect. 中国先后颁布和实施了商标法和专利法,1991年6月1日又开始实施著作权法。
- If accessing a patent on the Internet were to constitute an infringement, this would go against the fundamental quid pro quo on which patent law is based, Eisenberg contends. 艾森柏格断言,如果在网际网路上储存或取得专利标的就会构成侵权,无异将推翻目前专利法所依循的游戏规则。
- Some members however, requested clarification of the subject matter that would be subject to compulsory licensing under the Patent Law. 但是, 一些成员要求澄清受《专利法》强制许可规定制约的事项。
- The Delegation acknowledged the technical training and assistance received from WIPO in the field of Patent Law and procedures and office automation. 该代表团感谢WIPO在专利法、程序和办公自动化领域提供的技术培训和援助。
- When a division of application is filed, relevant formalities shall be fulfilled in accordance with the Patent Law and these Rules. 分案申请应当依照专利法及本细则的规定办理有关手续。
- Through referring to the doctrine of patent law protecting patent petition rights,jus ad rem with first registration enjoying the priority seems more reasonable. 解决不动产物权的优先性,可以借鉴我国专利法保护专利申请权的原则,先申请登记的物权优先更加合理。
- Drug companies can continue to make less expensive generic drugs, many of which flow to the developing world, after an Indian court Monday rejected a patent law challenge. 药物公司能继续制造比较不贵仿配方药,多数哪一个到发展中的世界流程,在印度的法院星期一拒绝专利的法律挑战之后。