- The boy got up very early every morning to pasture cattle. 这男孩每天起得很早去放牛。
- The boy got up very early every morning to pasture cattle . 这男孩每天起得很早去放牛。
- He's pasturing his cattle on the top meadow. 他正在高处的草地上放牛。
- He is pasturing his cattle on the top meadow. 他在那片最高的草地上放牛。
- Timothy can be used as fodder for cattle. 猫尾草可以作为喂牛的牧草。
- The cattle stampeded towards the farm. 受惊的牛群向牧场涌去。
- There are many herds of cattle in the meadow. 牧场上有许多牛群。
- There is much forage for the cattle. 那儿有很多喂牛的饲料。
- Thousands of cattle are starving. 成千上万的牛正在挨饿。
- Clover can be grown as food for cattle. 苜蓿可以用作牛饲料。
- We have put our cattle out to pasture. 我们已经把牛放到牧场上吃草去了。
- The witch-doctor has cursed our cattle. 巫医念了咒语想叫我家的牛遭殃。
- 18-month weight of pasture cattle 放牧牛第18月龄体重
- Cattle and sheep feed chiefly on grass. 牛羊主要以草为食物。
- Millions of cattle are slaughtered every day. 每天有数百万头牛被屠杀。
- Some cattle were drinking at the pond. 几头牛正在池塘边饮水。
- The cattle had trodden a path to the pond. 牛群踩出了一条通往池塘的小径。
- Cattle were grazing on the meadow. 牛在牧场上吃草。
- On big farms cattle are usually branded. 大农场里的牛通常打有烙印。
- Farmers grow grain and keep cattle. 农民种谷养牛。