- The speaker roamed freely over the events of the past week. 那个人东拉西扯地谈了一些上周的事。
- The anxieties of the past week had left her exhausted. 上星期把她愁得没精打采。
- His health has been declining these past weeks. 过去几周里他的健康状况变得越来越坏。
- They reckoned up the expenditure of the past week. 他们算出了上星期的开支。
- Did he have any emotional outbursts this past week? 在过去一周中,他有没有歇斯底里。
- That past weeks had been an unexpected brief reprieve. 过去的几星期不过是出乎意外的苟延残喘。
- As he has been ill he has stayed away from work for the past week. 他有病,一个星期没有上班。
- Gradually they felt the tension of the past week coming back. 渐渐他们感到一个星期来的紧张劳累此时都显出来了。
- If we reckon up the numbers of visitors to the exhibition for the past week, we shall see a surprising total. 我们如果把过去一周的展览会参观人数加起来,我们会得出一个惊人的总数。
- That past weeks had been an unexpected brief reprieve . 过去的几星期不过是出乎意外的苟延残喘。
- The speaker roam freely over the event of the past week. 那个人东拉西扯地谈了一些上周的事。
- We are very grateful to be working with you during the past week! 能够与你们共事,我们深感荣幸!
- The speaker roamed freely overthe events of the past week. 那人东拉西扯的谈了些上周的事情。
- Did you discover anything interesting during the past week? 那这周里你有没有发现什么有趣的事呢?
- The anxiety of the past week have leave her exhausted. 上星期把她愁得没精打彩。
- The past week or so has produced some ominous signs. 过去一两周发生的事情似乎给出了否定答案。
- Tyurin returned to the Earth with Lopez-Alegria this past week. 图林和洛佩兹-阿雷格里亚在上周返回了地球。
- This past week, the Games of the 28th Olympiad began in Athens. 第28届奥运会于本周在雅典开幕。
- An epidemic of measles broke out in Chicago this past week. 过去一周;芝加哥爆发痲疹;疫情有扩大趋势.
- I know I trolled a bit here this past week, sorry about that. 我知道我在过去的一周说得有点多,不好意思了。