- He is the very person that knows the password. 只有他知道密码。
- The army requisition all the truck to carry supplies. 军队征用了所有卡车,目的是为了运输车需品。
- password requisition 口令申请单
- We obtained petrol by requisition. 我们通过征用获得了汽油。
- An official requisition or purchase order for goods. 购买委托书,订单购货的官方通知单或订货单
- The authorities often requisition land for highways. 当局常因筑路之需而征用土地。
- We must keep the password secret from the spies. 我们必须对暗语保密,不让特务知道。
- Requisition linen required for business. 申请领取营业所需布草。
- Assign the password of your choice to the new user. 分配你的选择的口令[字]给新的使用者。
- Some banks also require you to select a password. 有些银行还要求你挑选一个通行字。
- Just our luck to have forgotten the password. 真倒霉忘了口令。
- Is there an official requisition for purchases? 有否正式采购申请书?
- No program protection password specified. 没有指定程序保护密码。
- Formal issuance by requisition or other document. 请求或其他文件的正式发放。
- Your username or password was incorrect. 你的用户名或密码不正确。
- Establish a strict Warehouse Requisition System. 建立严格的仓库领料制度。
- First you have to fill out the requisition. 你必须首先填写申请书。
- New access-rights model for protect read- only translation unit via user group password. 新的访问权限模型用于经由用户组口令保护只读翻译单元。
- You haven't forgotten the password, have you? 你没忘记密码,是吗?
- You could have a password accessible website. 设置只有用密码才能进入的网址。