- It lands the manager in a passive position. 它使经理处于被动地位。
- They found themselves in a passive position under attack. 他们发现自己处于被动挨打的局面。
- If we lag behind other nations in economy, we will be thrown into a passive position. 如果我们在经济上落后于其他国家,我们就会陷于被动。
- If they get wind of what we are doing, we'll then be in a very passive position. 如果他们听到风声,知道我们在搞什么,我们就很被动了。
- Unless we have made necessary and sufficient preparations against a planned enemy "encirclement and suppression" campaign, we shall certainly be forced into a passive position. 对于敌人的一次有计划的“围剿”,如果我们没有必要的和充分的准备,必然陷入被动地位。
- He may often be forced into a passive position by the enemy, but the important thing is to regain the initiative quickly. 被敌逼迫到被动地位的事是常有的,重要的是要迅速地恢复主动地位。
- Thus, in the course of transactions, often inferior and passive position, it is difficult to avoid losses swindled. 因此,在交易过程中,往往处于劣势和被动地位,吃亏上当就很难避免。
- In relation to the enemy,our counter-offensive represents our effort to make him relinquish the initiative and put him in a passive position. 对于敌军说来,反攻是我军强迫它放弃主动权,同时即给以被动地位的努力。
- The widespread development of guerrilla warfare in the enemy's rear has placed his garrisons in the occupied areas in a completely passive position. 我在敌后游击战争的广大发展,则使其占领地的守军完全处于被动地位。
- He may often be forced into a passive position by the enemy,but the important thing is to regain the initiative quickly. 被敌逼迫到被动地位的事是常有的,重要的是要迅速地恢复主动地位。
- In relation to the enemy, our counter-offensive represents our effort to make him relinquish the initiative and put him in a passive position. 对于敌军说来,反攻是我军强迫它放弃主动权,同时即给以被动地位的努力。
- In such a case, if its appraisals and dispositions are wrong, it is liable to get into a passive position and consequently fail to smash the converging enemy attack. 在这种场合,如果估计和处置得不正确,就容易处于被动,因而打不破敌人的围攻。
- The enemy were thus reduced to a passive position in which they found it hard to give up the battle and yet had to give it up. 敌人于是就陷入了欲罢不能,而又不得不罢的被动地位。
- However, the constraint of the using desire and the process of releasing incriminatory sense put the image users onto the passive position of Bauhaus. 它是对使用包豪斯的欲望的表达,是包豪斯对使用者的认同。
- If the purchase were slightly negligent for future trouble and live lives of endless frustration, or even in future disputes in a passive position. 如果购房人稍加疏忽,会给日后的居住生活带来无尽的麻烦与苦恼,甚至在将来的纠纷中处于被动的地位。
- The Ming Dynasty lost Lushun so that the second battle line lost the basic guarantee , thus militarily landing in a much passive position. 后金占据旅顺,解除了后顾之忧,并在军事上取得了主动权;明朝丧失了旅顺,使第二战线失去了基本保证,在军事上陷入极大的被动。
- Any army which,losing the initiative,is forced into a passive position and ceases to have freedom of action,faces the danger of defeat or extermination. 军队失掉了主动权,被逼处于被动地位,这个军队就不自由,就有被消灭或被打败的危险。
- In such a case,if its appraisals and dispositions are wrong,it is liable to get into a passive position and consequently fail to smash the converging enemy attack. 在这种场合,如果估计和处置得不正确,就容易处于被动,因而打不破敌人的围攻。
- It is easy to fall into a passive position in defensive warfare,which gives far less scope for the full exercise of initiative than does offensive warfare. 防御战本来容易陷入被动地位,防御战大不如进攻战之能够充分地发挥主动权。
- Unless we have made necessary and sufficient preparations against a planned enemy "encirclement and suppression" campaign,we shall certainly be forced into a passive position. 对于敌人的一次有计划的“围剿”,如果我们没有必要的和充分的准备,必然陷入被动地位。