- Wu S C. Optimum frequencies a passive microwave radiometer for trpospheric pathlength correction IEEE, Ap 1979, 27(2). 谢益溪等.;电波传播--超短波;微波;毫米波
- Parametric Rainfall Retrieval Algorithms for Passive Microwave Radiometers. 被动微波辐射仪参数化降水反演算法。
- Burrage D M,etc.Simulating passive microwave radiometer designs using Simulink.Simulation,Vol.78,Issue 1,January 2002 高飞;张俊荣;张晓旭.;星载微波辐射计输入信号的仿真
- passive microwave radiometer 无源微波辐射仪
- passive microwave radiometry 被动微波辐射测量
- As a result,some instructive suggestions about the selections of detectors for microwave radiometer are given. 在上述分析的基础上提出了微波辐射计系统中检波管选择的指导性原则。
- In this paper, a new type of microwave radiometer, real-time calibrated microwave radiometer was introduced. 本文提出了一种新形式的微波辐射计,即实时定标微波辐射计。
- The radiowave refraction correction by microwave radiometer is a fast and accurate way. 用微波辐射计进行电波折射修正是一种快速、精确的好方法。
- The spaceborne microwave radiometer is an efficient way to monitor the soil moisture variety in large-scale. 星载辐射计为实现大尺度上土壤水分的监测提供了监测途径。
- The data of ground and orbit operation shows that the Calibration Hot Target accorded with Microwave Radiometer design. 地面和在轨运行均表明,该定标热源满足星载微波辐射计设计要求。
- Retrieval of Precipitation Profiles from Multiresolution, Multifrequency Active and Passive Microwave Observations. 从多分辨、多频的主动和被动微波遥感观测反演降水廓线。
- Investigation of Systematic Uncertainties in Brewer - Mast Ozone Soundings Using Observations from a Ground-Based Microwave Radiometer. 用地基微波辐射表观测研究。
- At last, presents the trends of research on mechanism for salinity remote sensing, microwave radiometer, and salinity retrieval. 指出了为提高海洋盐度测量精度和空间分辨率,在盐度遥感机理、微波辐射计、及盐度反演研究方面的发展趋势。
- He Baoyu (Aerocraft Design)Directed by Wu JiSynthetic aperture technology in radio astronomy is introduced into microwave radiometer since 1980's. 八十年代以来,为改善微波辐射计性能,人们将射电天文观测中的孔径综合技术引入到微波辐射计设计中,开始了综合孔径辐射计的研究。
- Microwave signatures over carbonate sedimentary platforms in arid areas: Potential geological applications of passive microwave observations? 在干旱地区碳酸盐沉积台地上的微波信号:被动微波观测能否用于地质?
- The design of digital microwave radiometer at Sheshan station has realized the digital and automatic function and reduced the cost of labor. 通过对佘山站模拟式微波辐射计的改进,摒弃了传统的绘图仪,提高了数字化和自动化程度, 降低了劳动成本。
- Several issues on microwave remote sensing of the lunar soil and rock are discussed based on multi-channels microwave radiometer technology. 根据现有的多通道被动微波辐射计技术,讨论微波辐射遥感月壤月岩特征参数的几个问题。
- In this paper, periodic calibration conception of spaceborne microwave radiometer is systematically described with the emphasis on calibration pattern, equation and error budget. 本文从周期定标方式、定标方程和定标误差分析等几个方面全面系统地阐述了星载微波辐射计周期定标技术;介绍了国外的最新动态.
- The calibration noise sources of microwave radiometer, gives a quantitative noise power.They are an important and necessary part in calibration of microwave radiometer. 微波辐射计的定标噪声源提供定量噪声功率,是微波辐射计定标中不可缺少的重要部分。
- The principles and the application of microwave radiometer are briefly introduced before the DMSP F-series satellite SSM/I data over the antarctic ice sheet are analyzed. 摘要简单介绍了微波辐射的原理与应用现状,利用美国国防气象卫星计划DMSP-F系列卫星携带的SSM/I辐射计南极地区极投影网格亮温数据进行了分析与处理。