- passive image forensics 被动图像取证
- The field of image forensics will, however, continue to make it harder and more time-consuming (but never impossible) to create a forgery that cannot be detected. 然而,影像鑑识科学虽然永远不可能杜绝几可乱真的假照片,却可以持续使假照片的制作越来越困难,且更花时间。
- Although the field of digital image forensics is still relatively young, scientific publishers, news outlets and the courts have begun to embrace the use of forensics to authenticate digital media. 虽然科学出版者、新闻媒体与法院已经开始接受以鑑识科技,来判别数位媒体的可信度,但数位影像鑑识还是一个很新的领域。
- Blind CFA interpolation detection, which identifies the demosaicing method used in digital camera by analyzing output images, provides an efficient tool for digital image forensics. 从数字图像中盲检测数码相机采用的CFA插值算法,可以为数字图像取证提供重要的技术手段。
- He played a passive role in the marriage. 他在婚姻中扮演了一个被动的角色。
- The heroine is the spitting image of the author. 书中女主人翁是作者的真实写照。
- He had a passive expression on his face. 他脸上有一种漠然的表情。
- In spite of my efforts the boy remained passive. 尽管我努力,那男孩还是不起劲。
- The slaves gave passive obedience to their master. 奴隶们乖乖地服从他们的主人。
- I have this image of you as always being cheerful. 在我的心目中,你的样子总是兴高采烈的。
- Passive character, attitude, quality, or behavior. 消极主义消极被动的性格、态度、品质或行为
- The minister is trying to improve his public image. 部长正在努力提高他自己的公众形象。
- His good image has stolen up on my brain. 他的良好形象已渐渐在我头脑中形成。
- She is the express image of her mother. 她和她母亲长得一模一样。
- This construction should not be confused with the regular passive. 这种句法结构不可与按规则变化的被动语态相混淆。
- A defect of focus, such as blurring in an image. 像差焦点不准确而造成的物像模糊
- The display image of an area on a document. 在文卷上,某区的显示图象。
- The scandal hurt the government's image badly. 这丑闻严重损害了政府的形象。
- Good is the passive that obeys reason. 善是服从理智的被动性。
- Her image is engraved upon my heart. 她的形象深深印在心中。