- The experimental results indicate that it has a good cleaning effect and action of making passivation film. 经垢样试验和清洗应用,该清洗剂对热力设备所形成的垢物有良好的清洗效果和钝化镀膜作用。
- The results show that appropriate blackening agent and addition of phosphate both can improve the appearance of the passivation film. 结果表明:发黑剂对膜层外观影响较大,选择不当可使膜层发花、挂灰;钝化液中添加磷酸(盐)能够显著改善黑色膜层外观。
- Zhang T C,Jiang X X,Li S Z.Performance of passivation films on stainless steels during corrosive wear process[J].Corrosion Science and Protection Technology,1998,10(5):260-262. [10]张天成;姜晓霞;李诗卓.;钝化膜在腐蚀磨损过程中的作用[J];腐蚀科学与防护技术;1998;10(5):260-262
- It also was studied to increase the corrosion resistance of blue-white passivation film of zinc plating on the premise of not improving the chromium content in plating. 介绍了如何提高镀锌低铬蓝白钝化的耐蚀性能,探讨了在不提高钝化膜含铬量的前提下,增加镀锌层蓝白钝化的耐蚀性能。
- The corrosion resistance of Sn-Zn alloy is further improved in this paper by means of molybdate passivation and the passivation film is analysed by AES and XPS techniques. 本文采用钼酸盐钝化处理,可进一步提高合金的耐蚀性;用AES和XPS方法对钝化膜进行了分析,并对钝化膜的性质和耐磨性进行了讨论。
- The converting film obtained by hydrofluoric acid treatment has better protection for the body of magnesium alloy.It's feasible to electroplate Al on MgF2 passivation film. 结果表明,氢氟酸处理得到的氟化镁转化膜对镁合金基体有较好的保护作用,在氟化镁钝化膜上电镀铝是可行的。
- Manganate and organic compound are,as composite passivation film,simultaneously acted on chromium-free passivation of galvanized sheet,then giving the optimal formula. 研究了锰酸盐与有机物复合作用用于镀锌板无铬钝化的最佳配方,应用极化曲线和交流阻抗的方法测试了镀锌层锰酸盐有机复合钝化膜在0。
- The trivalent chromium passivation film based on zincate plating obtained has compact structure with no obvious crack, and excellent anticorrosion performance. 结果表明:锌酸盐镀锌层的三价铬钝化膜表面结构致密、无明显裂纹,具有较好的耐腐蚀性能;
- Using this method, the interface characteristics of angle beveled mesa structure high-voltage silicon pn junction protected by organic materials or inorganic passivation films were measured. 采用此方法,测量了台面型高压硅半导体器件的无机钝化和有机保护界面的表面复合速率。
- The forming process of passivation film possibly consists of four steps which are zinc dissolution, basic area appearance, gelatiniform film forming and converting to passivation film. 钝化膜的成膜过程可能包括镀锌层的溶解、碱性薄层的形成、胶状膜的形成和胶状膜转化成钝化膜4个步骤。
- Effects of composition of the passivation solution and technical parameters of passivation on corrosion resistance of passivation film were studied by salt spray test,electrochemical test,etc. 探讨了钛盐钝化溶液成分及工艺参数对镀锌层表面钝化膜的耐腐蚀性影响;
- Summary : In order to ensure the erode-proof performance of the stainless steel pressure vessel, the passivation film on its surface must be formed and acid cleaning process should be controled. 要保证不锈钢压力容器的耐蚀性能,必需保证其表面钝化膜,控制酸洗钝化工艺。
- The effects of the components of trivalent chrome passivation bath on the appearance and corrosion resistance of the passivating film are investigated. 三价铬蓝白钝化对环境污染小,但钝化液成分较复杂,钝化膜耐蚀性及外观不如六价铬钝化膜。
- The adhension of color passivate films being poor is one common trouble in kali salt zinc plating . 彩钝膜结合力差是钾盐镀锌一个常见的故障。
- That was infinitely better than his last film. 这比他上一部电影不知胜过多少倍。
- A chromium-free passivating technology for zinc plating was developed, and the effects of passivating solution and process conditions on the passivation film were studied. 开发了一种无铬无毒的环保型镀锌层钝化工艺,通过试验研究了钝化液成分和工艺条件对钝化膜的影响情况。
- The reason of A environmental protection passivating films with excellent corrosion resistance was discussed. 并讨论了A型环保钝化膜耐腐蚀性能优异的原因。
- MG-011 is compounded with metal passivator and surface conditioning agent.Can form passivation film on metal surface, seal activity points of metal surface, prevent rusted. MG-011系由金属钝化剂、表面调整剂等复配而成,可在金属表面形成良好的钝化膜层,封闭金属表面的活动点,阻止其生锈。
- The photoresponse of anodic-formed iron oxide passive film is similar to that of thermal-formed with some differences. 阳极形成铁钝化膜的光电响应与热形成氧化铁的相类似, 但有一定差别。
- The results showed that the passive film was generated on the surface of X70 steel in Na2CO3/NaHCO3 solutions. X70钢电化学行为与应力腐蚀相关性研究的结果表明:X70钢在Na2CO3/NaHCO3溶液中,表面生成钝化膜,在特定的电位和应力条件下,会发生阳极溶解型应力腐蚀破裂。