- Study on Modern Small Passenger cargo vessel 现代小型客货船研究
- The cargo vessel (passenger ship) docked at wharf number 5 yesterday afternoon. 货船(客轮)昨天下午停泊在5号码头。
- The cargo vessel( passenger ship) docked at wharf number5 yesterday afternoon. 货船(轮)天下午停泊在5号码头。
- The cargo vessel will arrive at the port within the next few days. 那艘货船不日即可抵港。
- Some cargo vessels were weathered out of some base for several months. 有些货船因天气恶劣而不能进入某些基地达数月之久。
- "Shi Tang Hai" is a bulk cargo vessel with deadweight 73,000 tons, she is discharging now . 3万载重吨的“石塘海”轮是我司(也是广东)目前最大的散货船,该轮正在卸货中。
- I still remember the cargo vessel, which was let on an NYPE Form time charter in the year at the end of 20th century. 我至今记得20世纪最后一年有一艘按照纽约物产交易所的定期租船合同租赁的货船。
- Swire Pacific shipping companies to expand business in China, to the beginning of this century, has co passenger and cargo vessels over. 太古洋行轮船公司在华业务不断扩展,至本世纪初,洋行已拥有十多艘客货轮。
- Many offshore deepwater wharves are being constructed by harbor authorities to meet the requirement of cargo vessel enlargement. 船舶大型化促进了我国建设外海深水码头的需求。
- The Sierra Leone-flagged dry cargo vessel New Star began to sink in the Sea of Japan near Russia's far-eastern port of Nakhodka on Sunday morning, the report said. 报道称,塞拉利昂“新星”号货船在濒临日本海的俄罗斯纳霍德卡港附近沉没。
- China lodged a formal protest with Russia on Friday after a Russian warship fired on a Chinese cargo vessel, in an escalating dispute between the two giant neighbors. 中国上周五就俄罗斯军舰开炮击沉中国货船一事对俄罗斯提出正式抗议,这两大邻国在这一事件上的争执不断升级。
- General cargo vessel (316): A vessel designed to handle break bulk cargo such as bags, cartons, cases, crates and drums, either individually or in unitized or palletized loads. 原译:普通货船:一种设计用来或单独或联合或平行地装载诸如包裹、纸板箱、箱子、板条箱和圆桶等散装货物的货船。
- There are already several cargo vessels anchored in the harbour. 已经有几艘货轮锚泊在这个港湾里了。
- Relatives of the victims cry after a ferry capsized in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Thursday, Feb. 28, 2008. 39 people died in the accident that a cargo vessel loaded with sand hit the ferry. 2月28日,孟加拉国一艘载有约150人的客轮在布里甘加河上与一艘货轮相撞后倾覆,沉船事故已导致39人死亡。图为遇难者家属相拥哭泣。
- Passenger ships are a costly way to travel. 坐游轮是昂贵的旅行方法。
- The ship was loaded with cargo fore and aft. 这条船从船头到船尾装满了货物。
- A flock of pirates settled here attacking the cargo vessels of Spain to aquire the chinas from Asia and silverwares from Peru. 在这里,海盗们袭击来往的西班牙商船,获得了很多来自亚洲的瓷器和来自秘鲁的银器。
- One passenger is still unaccounted for. 仍有一个旅客未在其中。
- The custom impound the whole cargo. 海关没收了全部的船货。
- Our pressure vessel is licensed product. 我厂生产的压力容器是授权生产产品。