- Special passenger transport line 客运专线
- Wuhan Station of Celerity Special Railway Passenger Transport Line from Wuhan to Guangzhou 武广快速铁路客运专线武汉站
- New Century Transport Company of ShangHai: Must combine passenger transport line resources 葛德荣:客运线路亟须重组
- A "Three-Phase Approach" to Passenger Transport Capacity Forecast of Passenger Transport Line on the Road 公路客运线路客运量预测的"三阶段法"
- Comparison and Analysis of the Shear Strength Parameters Test about Red Clay of Passenger Transport Line from Wuhan to Guangzhou 武广客运专线红黏土抗剪强度参数试验对比和分析
- Chu Kong Passenger Transport Co. Ltd. 珠江客运有限公司。
- A passenger transported for a fee. 乘客付费乘坐公共交通车辆的旅客
- Scope: Passenger transport. Passenger transport. 经营范围:旅客运输。
- passenger transport line 客运专线
- Thus cutting off the Liuhe transport line. 这样就把我们这个柳河给割断了。
- General Description of OCS Technical Standards for Qin-Shen Passenger Transportation Line 秦沈客运专线接触网技术标准综述
- Are You Pleased with the Passenger Transport by Railway? 铁路客运你满意吗?
- The passenger transport of highways was 518.8 billion passenger-km. 公路旅客周转量达到5188亿人公里。
- The peak time for passenger transport will come earlier this year. 今年春运的客流高峰期提前到来。
- The testing dates of the Qin-Shen special line for passenger transport is contrasted with the accounting dates, both of the regulations are consistent. 将模拟计算出的路基动力响应数值与秦沈客运专线现场测试试验的实测数据对比,结果一致。
- How do private passenger transport enterprises make the key competitiveness? 民营客运企业的核心竞争力?
- Road passenger transport accounted for two-thirds of all public transport journeys. 陆路客运占所有公共交通乘客人数三分之二。
- Building and upcoming construction of high-speed railway passenger transportation lines 铁路专线拟建、在建项目
- That Jiaxing became a link along this north-south trunk transport line. 嘉兴才成为南北交通干线的连接点。
- Following the development of domestic economy, UMP becomes more and more important in the passenger transport system. 摘要客流规模是决定轨道是否建设的决定性因素。