- the boxer was out cold; pass out cold. 拳击手被打得失去了知觉;昏倒了,不省人事。
- They will not get pissed at each other for stupid things such as not ringing the day before, wearing a slutty top, passing out cold in a club, kissing that lesbian in the lift. 如果我喜欢某个人 但不确定彼此适不适合能不能够达成某种协定在一起 可是遇见更适合的人的话就放手呢?
- He would pass out if he took one more drink. 要是他再喝一杯酒的话,他就会醉倒了。
- Would you pass out the books for me? 你替我分发一下书好吗?
- He was knocked out cold in the second round. 他在第二轮中被击倒失去了知觉。
- You'll soon pass out of childhood into manhood. 你快要从童年进入到成年啦。
- Paul was out cold when we found him. 我们找到保罗的时候,他已昏过去了。
- The night turned out cold and rainy. 那个晚上结果是寒冷且下雨。
- She felt as if she were going go pass out. 她觉得她好像要昏倒。
- The air conditioner stopped blowing out cold air. 这个空调不再吹冷风。
- I feel as though I'm going to pass out. 我感到要昏倒似的。
- She passed out from the intense heat. 由於高温她晕了过去。
- I thought I was going to pass out. 想我要昏倒了。
- I will go some day before I pass out. 我两腿一伸之前,总有一天会去的。
- If he took one more drink, he would pass out. 如果他再喝一杯酒,他就会昏倒。
- I prepare my material and pass out copies. 我准备我的资料然后分送副本。
- Help me to a chair before I pass out. 快扶我上椅子,我快昏倒了。
- They could not go anywhere as the car engine was out cold. 因为汽车的发动机完全不工作了,所以他们什么地方都去不了。
- A brick hit him in the head and he was out cold for half an hour. 一块砖砸到了他的头,他昏迷了半小时。
- The teacher began to pass out the papers at 8:15. 8点15分老师开始发卷。