- If the Waxman-Markey bill is passed into law, greenhouse-gas emissions will be cut by 17% by 2020 from 2005 levels. 假使维克斯曼-马尔凯议案通过立法,温室气体排放量到2020年要在2005年基础上减少17%25。
- Germany's bad-bank plan, which passed into law this month, seems determined to deter banks from using it by imposing unnecessarily onerous conditions. 德国这个月刚刚通过法律的坏银行计划,禁止银行强加不必要的苛刻条件。
- Germany’s bad-bank plan, which passed into law this month, seems determined to deter banks from using it by imposing unnecessarily onerous conditions. 德国本月通过的不良资产银行计划似乎决意阻止银行使用这个计划,因为它强加了不必要的繁重条件。
- These adaptations when passed into law shall take effect retrospectively, as from the date of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 这些适应化修改一经通过成为法律,即会追溯至香港特别行政区成立日起生效。
- Enactment into law of a legislative measure. (议案)通过把立法议案制定为法律
- Having new consumer-oriented legislation passed into law 使面向消费者的新法案变成了法律。
- The gases pass into the exhaust manifold. 这些废气进入排气歧管。
- His words may pass into a proverb. 他的话可能会流传为谚语。
- Where does honesty fit into Law? 诚实在法律方面占什么位置?
- The poison has passed into his system. 毒物已进入他的体内。
- To pass into or through something. 穿过或进入某物
- Perkins went into law on his father's will. 珀金斯遵照父亲的意愿步入司法界。
- Thy glorious promise pass into fulfilment. 一位一位,他们已逐渐离开,
- We had better put some muscle into law enforcement. 我们最好加强执法机构的影响。
- Their customs crystallized into law. 他们的习俗形成了法律。
- He prides himself on making it into law school. 他以自己进入法学院自豪。
- Many foreign words have passed into the English language. 有很多外来语已成为英语的一部分。
- It often happens that a balmy morning passes into a chilly afternoon. 一个温和的上午常常转为一个寒冷的下午。
- If voted into law, it will nullify the CRB's decision. 如果这项提案被投票选入法律,它将使CRB的决定无效。
- Many ancient cities have long since passed into oblivion. 许多古代的城市早已淹没。