- In state elections last year, a wave of anti-incumbency sentiment swept the right-wing party out of power, bringing Congress to the helm of the Rajasthan government. 去年的邦选举中,一波反邦政府情绪将这个右翼党派赶下了台,让国大党执掌了邦政府。
- We voted to pay for the party out of the club treasury. 我们议决宴会费用由会中公款开支。
- One that is out,especially one who is out of power. 在野者在外的人,尤指政治上的在野派
- Why Was Yuan Shikai Forced out of Power? 袁世凯被推翻的历史背景?
- Sorry, the number you dialed is out of power. 到了食堂,电话过去:对不起,您拨打的电话已关机。
- Please leave the battery running out of power. 请移走电源适配器。
- The balance of power is keeping us out of the war. 实力均衡抑制了战争的发生。
- If he goes out of power, no tear is to be shed. 如果他下台,人们是不会为之掉泪的。
- "Democrats have been out of power for some time. 他说:“民主党人在野已经有一段时间了。
- The previous cabinet went out of power in 1989. 前内阁在一九八九年下台。
- Out of power, he is out of favour. 当他失去权力之后,他也就不再受人欢迎。
- party out of power 在野党
- She said when she found it was out of power, she. She. 她说,她发现没电了,然后就,就。
- The labour movement allowed itself to be run out of power tamely. 那次工人运动乖乖地听任自己耗尽了力量。
- The ICU was thrown out of power by Ethiopia in late 2006. 埃塞俄比亚军队在2006年推翻了伊斯兰法庭联盟的统治。
- We don't make a party out of lovin';We like holdin' hands and pitchin' woo;We don't let our hair grow long and shaggy,Like the hippies out in San Francisco do. 我反对毒品,然而这个大麻事件,后来被搞得有点夸张了,这些人就算真的吸食了大麻,但也并非做了什麽伤天害理的勾当,既没贪污、也没骂人、更没害人,最糟糕也不过因为是公众人物,而起了不良示范,该检讨,但也没有十恶不赦;
- But Mr Slota is unlikely to take his party out of government altogether.And the row with Hungary suggests that Mr Fico is all too ready to play the nationalist card himself. 但斯洛塔不甘使民族党失去政治力量,就现在与匈牙利的关系来看,他很有可能打出国家主义牌以求自保。
- Our party has been out of office for three years. 我们的政党在野已经三年了。
- I put my phone on charge because it was running out of power. 手机当时快没电了,我就给它充了电。
- The empress Dawagers refused to bow out of power circle. 慈禧太后不肯退出权力圈。