- parts library developing tool 零件库开发工具
- Finally discusses how to develop an opened standard parts library based on C++ and UG/Open C,UG/NX C++,MFC,ADO etc. 再论述如何使用C++语言调用UG/Open C、UG/NX C++、MFC、ADO等函数/类/组件库开发了一个结构简明和扩展性好的标准件库系统。
- Under the object-oriented programming circumstances(VC++), how to develop secondarily 3D standard part library of steel structure is introduced based on Solidworks software by using COM and ODBC technologies. 介绍了在面向对象的VC++编程环境下,利用组件对象模型(COM)和ODBC技术,以SolidWorks作为平台,进行三维钢结构标准件的二次开发。
- The part of practice transplants the USB host protocol stack driver of the VxWorks Real-time Operating System to the RSC S3C2440A board by using the developing tool Tornado2.2,and implements the scanner device driver basing on it. 实践部分主要是使用开发工具Tornado2.;2完成了VxWorks实时操作系统的USB主机驱动栈在RSC S3C2440A开发板上的移植;并在此基础上实现了扫描仪设备驱动。
- OpenGL is the 3D graphics library developed by SGI of America. OpenGL是美国高级图形和高性能计算机系统公司SGI公司开发的三维图形库。
- The management is the key of the public library development. 摘要管理是公共图书馆发展的关键所在。
- Coopetition theory, an important part in modern economics, may play an important role in the library development. 认为竞合理论是现代经济管理中的重要理论,对图书馆的发展也具有很好的借鉴作用。
- The international standard ISO 13584 meet the demand of the standard parts library information exchanging and sharing among enterprises and within enterprises. 国际标准ISO 13584能够满足企业内部及企业之间标准件库的信息交换与共享的需要,提供一种能传递零件库数据的,独立于零件库数据系统的任何应用程序的中性机制。
- The CAPP developing tool is a necessary method to reali ze commercial C APP and CAD/CAPP/CAM integrated system. CAPP开发工具是实现CAPP商品化和CAD/CAPP/CAM集成的必由之路。
- The long awaited Mission Director (MD) mission development tool. 期待已久的任务向导(MD)和任务开发工具.
- Author's copyright should be protected during the construction of digital library,so as to make digital library develop healthily. 数字图书馆在建设过程中必须严格维护著作权人的权利,避免侵犯版权,这样才能使数字图书馆得以健康发展。
- Therefore, this research is focused on a developing tool which supports specification refining and test case synchronizing with the requirements. 因此,本研究的重点在于如何建立可渐进订立规格并可同步规格与测试案例的开发平台。
- A stable library career thinking and behavior habits foster and promote the spirit of the library, which cause the library develop and progress of science protection. 构成稳定的图书馆职业思想行为风尚,树立和弘扬图书馆精神,是图书馆事业永远发展进步的科学保障。
- The template parts with the adoption of parameterized technology in UG condition are set up,through calling UG/Open API functions and making use of technology of ODBC and standard parts library for fixture is established. 阐述了在UG中采用参数化技术建立模板零件,通过调用UG/OpenAPI函数,并利用ODBC数据处理技术,建立夹具标准件库的过程。
- To develop tools to simulate advanced traffic management systems. 开发能够模拟高级交通管理系统的工具;
- To solve the disadvantages of the recent methods of the realization parts library information models , This article analyzes the relation between PLIB and STEP, and use STEP feature models to realize parts library information models. 本文分析了PLIB标准及STEP标准,针对目前PLIB标准中零件库信息模型实现方法的不足之处,将STEP标准与PLIB标准结合,采用STEP标准的方法来实现零件库信息模型,通过STEP特征模型来实现零件库信息模型。
- It generates interpolation surface by ACIS develop tools. 在由型值点插值生成曲面过程中,借助于ACIS开发包完成。
- UDF(User-defined Feature)is secondly developed tool of Pro/ENGINEER, it can improve the efficiency of part design remarkably. UDF(用户自定义特征 )是Pro/ENGINEER常用的二次开发工具 ,使用UDF可以提高零件设计效率。
- Introduce the key technology that the system realizes in detail: GRIP procedure modeling, standard part model data transmission and program design of standard part library, And recommend utilizing the electronic form to assist the method to build library. 详细讲述系统实现的关键技术:GRIP程序建模,标准件模型数据文件的传递和标准件库系统的程序设计,并介绍利用电子表格辅助建库的方法。
- ORACLE DBMS and its developer/2000 offer us an entirely client/server application environment and avisual develop tool oriented object. ORACLE数据库管理系统及其开发工具Developer/2000,为人们提供了一个完善的Clien/Server应用环境和可视化开发工具。