- This catalog ue includes vascular plants 215 families, 1063 genera,2436 species,14 subspecies,266 varieties and cultivarieties,and 32 forms. 本名录收记浙江省泰顺县维管束植物215科1063属2436种14亚种266变种和栽培变种32变型。
- When a user imports a server control into a Web Parts catalog of controls. 当用户将服务器控件导入控件的Web部件目录时。
- Amount of money of drug use in 18 hospitals has stayed in rising stage, but as it is influenced by catalog ue inspection and evaluation of "medical insurance" and the policy of drug bid ding and purchase, so its rising speed is fluctuant. 18家医院用药金额处于发展上升阶段,但受“医保”目录审评和药品招标采购等政策的影响,发展速度快慢起伏。
- Contains references to controls that are declared in a Web Parts catalog in the markup of a Web page. 包含对在网页标记中的Web部件目录中声明的控件的引用。
- For example, you might use XHTML elements in a parts catalog to provide part descriptions. 比如,在部件目录中可以使用XHTML元素提供部件的描述。
- To do so, configure the page with a Web Parts catalog, which contains a list of Web Parts controls that you want to make available to users. 为此,请使用Web部件目录配置页面,该目录包含您希望用户可以使用的Web部件控件的列表。
- X. I would appreciate it if someone at your end could send me your parts catalog soon so that we can place an order in the near future. 假如你们那边有人能很快把你们的零件目录寄给我,我会很感谢的,这样我们就能在不久后下单。
- Controls are those that are added programmatically, or from a Web Parts catalog, as opposed to static controls that are declared in the markup of a Web page. 控件是以编程方式添加或从Web部件目录中添加的控件,而静态控件是在网页的标记中声明的。
- The Web Part catalog is presented as a scrollable list; no more paging forward and backward through the Web Part catalog. “Web部件”目录显示为可滚动的列表,而不再是在“Web部件”目录中前后翻页。
- Prior to using XCON, tedious manual searches through parts catalog and consultation with human experts were required to check the accuracy of each order. (未使用XCON之前,需要对冗长乏味的部件目录进行人工查阅,并向专家咨询以检查每一订单的准确程度。)
- The base CatalogZoneBase constructor helps prepare the page to display the Web Parts catalog user interface (UI), by passing the appropriate WebPartDisplayMode object to the WebPartManager control. 通过将适当的WebPartDisplayMode对象传递给WebPartManager控件,CatalogZoneBase基构造函数帮助准备页,以显示Web部件目录用户界面(UI)。
- Define spare part catalogue and responsible for related consultation. 编制备件目录并负责相关的咨询。
- AIPC Aircraft Illustrated Parts Catalog 飞机图解部件目录
- You can download the spare parts catalogue in the above link and find the item number if you need to order any Campagnolo spare parts. 需要定修补配件的车友可以到上面这个地址下载修补件目录,告诉我们编号,我们可以帮你预定。
- He doubles the parts of a farmhand and a miner. 在这出戏里他既扮演雇农又扮演矿工。
- parts catalog(ue) 零件目录
- The various parts of the car are bolted together. 这辆汽车的各种配件是用螺栓装在一起的。
- There will be rain in all parts of the country. 全国各地将有雨。
- Oil the moving parts of this machine regularly. 要定期给这部机器的运转部件上油。
- I pieced out the machine with scrap parts. 我用破铜烂铁拼成了这台机器。