- partly paid share capital 已缴部分股款的股本
- Such commission may be satisfied By the payment of cash or the allotment of fully or partly paid shares or partly in one way and partly in the other. 此种佣金可用现金支付,或用缴清股款或缴清部分股款的股票支付,或部分用现金部分用股票支付。
- partly paid share 已缴部分股款的股份
- Some companies want to share capital outlay and "know-how". 有几家公司愿分担投资和分享“技术”。
- Some companies want to share capital outlay and " know-how ". 有几家公司愿分担投资和分享“技术”。
- For new H-share IPOs, the company has no unlisted share capital. 新上市的H股公司沒有非上市股本。
- The registered capital of a joint stock limited company shall be the total amount of share capital which is paid in and registered with the company registration authority. 第七十八条:股份有限公司的注册资本为在公司登记机关登记的实收股本总额。
- Auth. share capital of respective company is shown in bracket at the end of each name. 每公司之法定资本额巳列于公司名称末括号内.
- The necessary increase of share capital is to coincide along with a capital increase from the company's own resources. 克朗斯计划通过增加公司资金来实现股票分割所必需的基本资金扩充。
- The Board also proposes that no capital reserve shall be converted into share capital for 2006. 董事会还拟定,2006年度不进行资本公积金转增股本。
- The entire issued share capital of Starlite Printers (Cook Islands) Limited is beneficially owned and controlled by Mr.Lam Kwong Yu and Ms. Yeung Chui. StarlitePrinters(CookIslands)limited之全部已发行股本由林光如先生及杨翠女士实益拥有及控制。
- On one side is listed the capital employed, which usually consists of the issued share capital plus reserves and retained earnings. 一栏是资金的运用,所运用的资金通常由发行的股本加公积金和未分配利润组成。
- On one side is listed the capital employed, which usually consists of the issued share capital plus reserves and retained earnings . 一栏是资金的运用,所运用的资金通常由发行的股本加公积金和未分配利润组成。
- The ratio of long-term funds with a fixed interest charge, such as debentures, that comprise a company's capital to its ordinary share capital. 构成公司资本的带固定利息费用的长期资金(如公司债券)与公司普通股本的比率。
- She had to scrimp and save to pay for her holiday. 她不得不为付假期的费用而苦苦攒钱。
- IFC's share capital is provided by its 175 member countries, which collectively determine policies and approve investments. 国际金融公司的资本金来自其175个成员国,并由这些国家的政府共同制定政策、审批投资。
- If you go to a private hospital you must pay. 如果你去一家私立医院就诊,你得付费。
- The applicant company is appointed by Ford Motor Company as an authorized share capital or nominal capital. However, the issued capital may be less than that. 公司获准发行一定数目的股票,即所谓法定股本。不过已发的股本可能低于那个数。
- His parents are partly responsible for his wallow. 他的父母对他的堕落负有部分责任。
- The value of this share capital, the change of the quantity produced in producing a course, produced value hyperplasia namely, be called alterable capital so. 这部分资本的价值,在生产过程中发生了量的变化,即发生了价值增殖,所以叫做可变资本。