- Article7 Tender and bid activities and the parties thereto shall be subject to supervision imposed according to law. 第七条招标投标活动及其当事人应当接受依法实施的监督。
- They are binding on all parties thereto unless expressly modified or excluded by the credit. 除非信用证中另有规定,本惯例对一切有关当事人均具有约束力。
- Article 7 Tender and bid activities and the parties thereto shall be subject to supervision imposed according to law. 第七条招标投标活动及其当事人应当接受依法实施的监督。
- In concluding a contract, the parties thereto shall implement the principle of good faith. 当事人订立合同,应执行诚实信用原则。
- The parties thereto shall not evade the above provision by the domestic investment of a foreign-funded enterprise or by any other means. 当事人不得以外商投资企业境内投资或其他方式规避前述要求。
- The date of issue and the date of maturity of a negotiable instrument shall be determined by the parties thereto according to law. 票据的出票日、到期日由票据当事人依法确定。
- Projects of publication in co-operation with foreign countries shall be determined through full consultation between the two parties thereto. 四、对外合作出版项目,应经双方充分协商确定。
- Any disputes arising form the execution of or in connection with the contract shall be settled through mutual consultations between the parties thereto. 在履行合同时合同双方如发生争议,双方应通过相互协商解决。
- Please note that nothing herein contained shall be binding on both parties unless and until the formal Tenancy Agreement has been signed by both parties thereto and exchanged. 请注意,(非双方协商妥当、经正式签署租赁协议)里不包含对双方具有约束力的任何条款。
- Article 29 Annulment of a collective agreement shall be binding on all the members of the organizations which are parties thereto, irrespective of any stipulation to the contrary. 第29条(废止之效力)团体协约之废止,纵有反对之约定,仍对于该团体团员全体发生效力。
- To determine the nature and extent of the obligation in question, the Contract shall be deemed to remain in force and be binding upon the parties thereto. 为了确定任何此类义务的性质和范围,合同应被认为对合同双方仍然有效。
- Every party whose signature appears on a bill is prima facie deemed to have become a party thereto for value. 凡签名于票据之每一当事人,均表面上视为给价而成为该票之当事人。
- Before accepting the WTO Agreement, participants which are not contracting parties to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade must first have concluded negotiations for their accession to the General Agreement and become contracting parties thereto. 在接受《WTO协定》之前,不属关税与贸易总协定缔约方的参加方必须首先完成它们加入总协定的谈判并成为其缔约方。
- In agreement of which and witness therefore the parties thereto have initialed each page of this contract including annexure,if any,and have executed these presents this 9th day of Mar,2006. 根据合同并现场证实;各合同方已经在本合同包括附件(如有附件)的每一页上签注了姓名首写字母;并已经签署了这些文件使之于2006年3月9日生效.
- The signature on a negotiable instrument shall be the true name of the party thereto. 在票据上的签名,应当为该当事人的本名。
- Although one of the Powers in conflict may not be a party to the present Convention, the Powers who are parties thereto shall remain bound by it in their mutual relations. 冲突之一方虽非缔约国,其他曾签订本公约之国家于其相互关系上,仍应受本公约之拘束。
- A cargo insurance contract or an insurance contract for voyage conveyance shall not be terminated by any party thereto subsequent to the commencement of the insurance liability. 第三十四条货物运输保险合同和运输工具航程保险合同,保险责任开始后,合同当事人不得解除合同。
- This Agreement shall be automatically renewed for one year terms thereafter unless and until terminated by either Party thereto by giving six months' written notice to the other. 其后,除非一方当事人提前六个月向另一方当事人发出书面通知要求终止本合同,否则本合同逐年自动延长一年。
- Any proceedings under the repealed Resettlement Ordinance pending at the commencement of this Ordinance to which a competent authority was a party shall be continued as if the Authority was a party thereto in lieu of the competent authority. 如根据已撤销之《徙置条例》而进行之诉讼于本条例实施时仍未解决,而任何该管当局为当事人之一方者,则该诉讼得继续进行,一如委员会已代替该管当局为案中当事人。
- The parties heretofore acting as trustee. 在此以前作为受托人的当事人。