- particle filters optimize 粒子优化
- Such particle filters can reduce soot emissions by as much as 98 percent. 这类微粒过滤器,可使煤灰减少98%25之多。
- Particle filter tracking algorithm based on maximum a posteriori[J]. 引用该论文 刘天键;朱善安.
- A demo illustring Particle filter for navigation with altimetric measurements. 这个程序通过粒子滤波实现地形辅助导航算法。
- Mark Coates,"Distributed Particle Filters for Sensor Networks"[J],Third International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks,IPSN 2004. 袁红梅;杨震.;"基于无线传感器网络的活动目标跟踪"[J];现代电子技术
- The experiments on real image sequences show that our tracker with multiple cues has more reliable performance than tracker using particle filters only based on color cue. 试验表明该算法在使用相同粒子数目的情况下较采用单一颜色特征的粒子滤波跟踪算法效果好。
- Aiming at the constrained bearing only tracking (CBOT)'s actual condition, the formula of optimal importance density (OID) used in particle filters is derived. 针对约束仅方位跟踪(CBOT)的实际条件,推导了粒子滤波器中的最优重要密度公式。
- A particle filter algorithm based on Bayesian theory and Monte-Carlo simulation is presented. 提出了一种基于贝叶斯理论及蒙特卡罗仿真的粒子滤波算法。
- The simulation results show that the improved particle filter can effectively track the highly maneuvering targets. 仿真结果证实,该改进算法能有效跟踪高度机动的目标。
- This dissertation introduces particle filter into the problem of data fuse between sensor nodes. 本文针对传感器节点之间数据融合的问题,引入了粒子滤波算法。
- According to the key technique influencing the particle filter, a Gassian mixture particle filter for non-rigid object tracking is presented. 针对影响粒子滤波算法性能的关键技术,提出了基于混合高斯模型的粒子滤波算法,并将其用于基于颜色的非刚性目标的实时跟踪相关问题。
- Unscented particle filtering algorithm using minimal skew sampling[J]. 引用该论文 刘贵喜;马涛;陈石磊.
- To improve the passive tracking performance of 2D maneuvering target, a new constraint particle filter (CPF) is proposed. 摘要为提高约束条件下的二维机动目标被动跟踪性能,提出了一种约束下的粒子滤波方法(CPF)。
- According to the key technique influencing the particle filter,a Gassian mixture particle filter for non-rigid object tracking is presented. 针对影响粒子滤波算法性能的关键技术,提出了基于混合高斯模型的粒子滤波算法,并将其用于基于颜色的非刚性目标的实时跟踪相关问题。
- The particle filter can deal with nonlinear/non-Guassian problems and it has been introduced to the algorithm of IMM for higher precision. 粒子滤波能够处理非线性/非高斯问题,其与交互式多模型结合用来获得更好的跟踪性能。
- A multiple model particle filter algorithm is presented in this paper for the maneuvering weak target which dynamics is complicated. 该文针对目标作复杂运动的情况,提出了机动弱目标检测前跟踪的多模粒子滤波算法。
- Abstract : Aiming at the shortcoming of particle dry in traditional particle filter, an improved cost reference particle filter(CRPF) was proposed. 摘要: 针对传统粒子滤波算法中粒子枯竭的缺陷,提出了一种改进的代价参考粒子滤波(CRPF)方法。
- Particle filters are very effective for visual tracking problems; however multiple independent trackers ignore the spatial constraints and the natural relationships among facial features. 粒子滤波对独立的视觉跟踪问题非常有效,但是多个独立的跟踪器忽视了人脸的空间约束和人脸特征间的自然相互联系。
- To overcome the sample impoverishment problem of particle filter, the observation vector of H infinity filter is regularized. 为解决粒子滤波的“采样枯竭”问题,正则化了H无穷粒子滤波器的观测矢量。
- With the parameters of passive filter optimized by NSGA-II, the minimum investment is obtained, and the harmonic interference is effectively eliminated. 利用NSGA-II对无源滤波器进行参数优化,不仅能节省初始投资,还能更有效地消除谐波干扰。