- partially hearing children 听力不全儿童
- partially hearing child 听力不全儿童
- I don't like to hear children swearing. 我听不得小孩子说脏话。
- Not so for people with partial hearing loss, those who are hard of hearing. 每个家庭,每个社交圈都有听力损失者;听力损失确实是困扰人类的第二或第三大损害之一。
- Annie treated me exactly as if I were a seeing and hearing child. 安妮对待我就好象我是一个能看能听的孩子似的。
- The questions of the personal and social identity of hard of hearing children seems most acute in the teen years. 重听孩子的个体和社会身份认定问题在十几岁时是最尖锐的。
- After several hungry days,the rabbit hears children playing nearby. 就这样奄奄一息地饿了几天后,兔子突然听到孩子们在周围玩耍的声音。
- Often a hard of hearing child may be the only such child in a classroom or school. 通常重听孩子可能是其所在班级乃至学校当中唯一的一个重听。
- It is more so for hard of hearing children since they are also confronted with the choice of their hearing identity as well. 对重听孩子更是这样,因为他们也同样地面临着选择他们的听力身份。
- As these potentially hard of hearing children mature, they take their place in the deaf community in which they find their personal and social identity. 随着这些潜在重听孩子长大成人,他们立足于聋人社区,在那里他们能发现他们的个体和社会身份(特性)。
- Emotion of normal hearing children plays a very important role in early education and this isespecially true of the rehabilitation of the hearing impaired. 在普通幼儿教育中情感教学有着举足轻重的作用,对有听力障碍的聋儿进行康复教育时更应该重视情感教育。
- The attendees were a diverse mix of parents of deaf and hard of hearing children who were patients of the center; scientists, physicians and audiologists; and hard of hearing people, like myself. 参加晚会的是各色各样的人:有聋父母、重听孩子,他们是该中心的病人;有科学家、医师和听力学专家;也有我这样的重听人。
- The research project was only a partial success. 那个研究课题只取得部分成功。
- Partially or completely lacking in the sense of hearing. 聋的,重听的部分或完全丧失听觉的
- We could hear the children's voices in the garden. 我们可以听到花园里孩子们的声音。
- He was only partially to blame for the accident. 他对事故只应负部分责任。
- He is partially responsible for the accident. 他对该事故负有部分责任。
- He stood aghast on hearing the news. 他听到这消息吓呆了。
- We could hear the children banging about upstairs. 我们可以听见孩子们在楼上乒乒乓乓地跑来跑去。
- She is partial to her youngest boy. 她偏爱她的小儿子。