- partially closed type 半封闭式
- In optical character recognition, a combination of peaks and smudges that may close or partially close a loop of a character thus making it unreadable. 在光学字符识别(OCR)中,亮点和黑点的一种组合,可能封闭或部分封闭字符的环形部分,因此使其无法读出。
- Both fractures and vugs may be closed or partially closed by precipitated calcite or other similar material. 裂缝和岩穴被方解石沉淀物或其它类似的物质完全或部分地封闭。
- Thus the open door to America--for centuries the gateway of opportunity for countless millions--was partially closed. 这样,敞开着的进入美国的门户--几个世纪以来对无数人的机会之门--部分地被关闭了。
- Reduced pressure near the partially closed throttle valve caused the fuel to flow from the idling jet into the intake air. 由于部分关闭的节流阀附近的压力下降,燃油由怠速喷口喷入吸进的空气。
- The hydraulic system is of a closed type technology with individual circuits for each crane function. 液压系统采用封闭式技术,一个回路对应一个起重机功能。
- She decided.Jumping inside,she pulled the door partially closed,afraid a slamming door would attract attention,and crammed herself into the corner behind clothes. 她拿定主意后就跳了进去,把门半掩着,怕关门声会引起注意。她缩到角落里,躲在衣服后面。
- Fabrication help closed type, conceal eaves style , fluffy , open style of canvas. 可制作成全封闭式、遮檐式、帆布蓬、敞开式。
- Eyes partially closed and gazes directed towards a lower corner of the frame, these figures attempt no connection with the audience. 画中人物双目半闭,凝视画框一角,并无与观众交流的意欲。
- Can I partially close the damper on my wood-burning fireplace so less air goes up the chimney? 为了减少通过烟囱的空气,我能够将空气阀部分关闭?
- Strict security measures shall be established for the airport controlled area, and the area shall be of a closed type and controlled separately. 第十二条机场控制区应当有严密的安全保卫措施,实行封闭式分区管理。
- In optical character recognition,a combination of peaks and smudges that may close or partially close a loop of a character thus making it unreadable. 在光学字符识别(OCR)中,亮点和黑点的一种组合,可能封闭或部分封闭字符的环形部分,因此使其无法读出。
- Both fractures and vugs may be closed or partially closed by precipitated calcite or other similar material. Vugs and fractures are highly variable in size and in distribution. 裂缝和岩穴会被方解石沉淀物或其它类似的物质完全或部分地封闭。岩穴与裂缝在孔的尺寸和孔分布上变化不一
- As to the closed type,the windward region of the roof will suffer high suctions caused by cylindrical and conical vortices while the rest region suffer small wind load. 对于敞开型,迎风时上下表面呈"上吸下顶"的风压叠加组合,背风时呈"上吸下吸"的风压抵消组合。
- Hundreds of lifeguards were striking in a dispute over the outsourcing of services. Two public swimming pools were closed while another 21 were partially closed. 因外判服务的争议,数百名救生员罢工。两个泳池需要关闭以及有二十一个泳滩局部关闭。
- It was considered that the close type automatic water spraying system with densely arranged spray nozzles should be used priorly for the similar engineering project. 本文介绍了厦门市工人文化宫地下停车场内长距离消防卷帘降温保护问题的方案比较,认为类似工点应当优先采用加密喷头闭式自动喷水系统。
- To speak words indistinctly,as by lowering the voice or partially closing the mouth. 咕哝通过降低声音或半闭着嘴的方式不清晰地讲话
- Moreover, the orchard adopts the closing type management, planting the concentration, easy to technocracy. 另外,果园采取封闭式管理,栽植集中,便于技术管理。
- To speak words indistinctly, as by lowering the voice or partially closing the mouth. 咕哝:通过降低声音或半闭着嘴的方式不清晰地讲话。
- Because of historical closed type of blasting pit is now used in many places.During production it has a great noise and vibration and also is often harmful to human due to flying crushed scrapes. 封闭式爆破坑生产时振动大、噪声大,并且经常有碎块飞出伤人,国家已规定不允许使用。