- Summary of Developing Partial Cable Stayed Bridge 部分斜拉桥发展综述
- partially cable stayed bridge 部分斜拉桥
- partial cable - stayed bridge 部分斜拉桥
- partial cable stayed bridge 部分斜拉桥
- We are going to build the largest cable stayed bridge in the nation here. 我们这里将新建一座全国最大规模的斜拉桥。
- The scenic overlooks bridge in safari park in Hefei is a reinforced concrete single-pagoda cable stayed bridge. 合肥市野生动物园观景桥为钢筋混凝土倾斜独塔斜拉桥。
- Chibi Company, Changjiang Civil Engineering General Company.Engineering Geology Complement Investigation Report of 3-rd Cable Stayed Bridge King Tower Frusta along River Road in Fengjie County. 长江岩土工程总公司赤壁公司。奉节县沿江大道3号斜拉桥主塔墩工程地质补充勘察报告。
- The 3D free vibration properties of the cable stayed bridge on Wuhu Yangtze River bridge, which is of 180 m+312 m+180 m span, are analyzed by space bar FEM model and also by space bar slab solid hybrid FEM model. 针对芜湖长江大桥主桥 180 m +312 m +180 m的斜拉桥 ,分别采用空间杆系有限元模型与空间杆系 -板-实体混合单元有限元模型分析了桥梁的空间自振特性 ,两种模型的计算结果取得了较好的一致。
- This paper presents the construction highlights and principal technical measures adopted in the construction of pylon pier bases of Gonghe Cable Stayed Bridge in Shenyang in winter season. 介绍沈阳公和斜拉桥主塔承台冬季施工的要点和实施中的主要技术措施。
- FEM analysis of double decked and partially cable - stayed box - girder bridge under the live loads 活载作用下双层部分斜拉箱梁桥有限元分析
- CHEN De-wei ,FAN Li-chu,XIANG Hai-fan.Const-ruction control of stayed bridg e with single pier[J].Journal of Tongji University (Natural Scien ce),1997,25(1): 23-28. [3]陈德伟;范立础;项海帆.;确定预应力混凝土斜拉桥恒载初始索力的方法[J]
- Single plane cable stayed bridge 单索面斜拉桥
- Double pylon cable stayed bridge 双塔斜拉桥
- single pylon cable stayed bridge 独塔斜拉桥
- low gravity center cable stayed bridge 低重心斜拉桥
- Three examples are used to examine the performance of TMDs, the first two are a simple-supported beam with different flutter derivatives and the third is a cable- stayed bridge. 本文中采用了简支梁例题一、例题二与斜张桥例题,当考虑振态耦合与无耦合两种情况时,在不同模型时设置TMD桥梁制振折减率的比较。在垂直向TMD制振效果并无明显差别;
- Cable - stayed bridge with diagonal tower 斜塔斜拉桥
- The research project was only a partial success. 那个研究课题只取得部分成功。
- cable stayed bridge used both in road and railway 公铁两用斜拉桥
- He was only partially to blame for the accident. 他对事故只应负部分责任。