- pars palpebralis glandulae lacrimalis 泪腺眼睑部
- pars palpebralis musculi orbicularis oculi 眼轮匝肌睑部
- glandula lacrimalis pars palpebralis 泪腺睑部
- glandulae lacrimalis pars palpebralis [医] 泪腺睑部
- Pars palpebralis glandulae lacrimalis paracondyloid process of occipital bone; paroccipital process of occipital bone 枕骨乳突旁突:同
- He is on a par with his brother in intelligence. 他在智力方面同他的弟弟不相上下。
- Shakespeare is par excellence the playwright. 莎士比亚是最卓越的戏剧家。
- I didn't think her performance was up to par. 我认为她表现得不及平时。
- I'm feeling a bit below par today. 我今天不大舒服。
- He is the elder statesman par excellence. 他是最优秀的年长的国务活动家。
- pars palpebralis 睑部
- pars palpebralis muscle 眼轮匝肌睑脸部
- pars palpebralis muscles 眼轮匝肌睑部
- The gains and losses are about on a par. 得失几乎相当。
- Most athletes are above par in physical conditions. 大多数运动员的体质在一般水平以上。
- Sales of nylon have been below par in recent years. 近年来尼纶织的销售额一直不及以往。
- A golf score of two strokes under par on a hole. 低于标准杆两杆比每穴规定击球次数少击两棒的高尔夫成绩
- As a writer she is on a par with the great novelist. 她是与伟大小说家齐名的作家。
- Performing up to par; did not yet feel up to par. 一般水平的表演; 觉得还没达到一般水平
- As a writer she was on a par with the great novelists. 她是与伟大小说家齐名的作家。