- paresthesia salax [医] 性感异常, 性感倒错
- There may be severe paresthesia. 可能有严重的感觉异常。
- Paresthesia is usually felt in the extremities -- hands, feet, and ankles. 手足和踝部等末端经常会出现感觉异常现象。
- The major complications included paresthesia of the limbs, serum transaminase disorder and local skin necrosis. 并发症主要为血清转氨酶异常、觉异常和皮肤坏死。
- As for the positions of pharyngeal paresthesia,133 cases were constant and 182 were changeable. 其中133例部位恒定,182例部位游走不定;
- There was no paresthesia, infection, or limitation of mouth opening after surgery. 术后并无神经麻木及感染现象,亦无张口受限情况。
- Early symptoms : cold limbs, numbness, paresthesia, intermittent claudication etc. 初起症状是患肢发凉、麻木、感觉异常、间歇性跛行等。
- There were no serious adverse events, and paresthesia was the most frequent adverse effect. 并没有严重的不良事件发生,感觉异常是最常发生的不良事件。
- The corresponding parts of brachial plexus compression caused by pain, paresthesia, muscle atrophy. 压迫臂丛神经引起相应部位疼痛、感觉异常、肌肉萎缩等。
- A disease of human beings and animals caused by eating legumes of the genus Lathyrus and characterized by spastic paralysis, hyperesthesia, and paresthesia. 山黧豆中毒人或禽类因误食山黧科豆类而得的疾病,其症状是痉挛性瘫痪、感觉过敏和感觉异常
- Conclusions The main diagnositic evide nce for digital nerve entrapment is paresthesia in the semi-palmar side of the digit. 结论指神经卡压征以指掌面半侧麻木、感觉障碍为主要诊断依据。
- Brachial arterial pulse deficit, pain, paresthesia, arm fatigue and pallor of the affected limb are hallmark of acute subclavian arterial occlusion. 受损前臂动脉脉搏消失、疼痛、肢体苍白、肢体麻木及肢体无力是急性锁骨动脉阻塞之临床特徵。
- General ly, it is managed by conservative treatment.Early surgical treatment however i s recommended once evident paresthesia developed. 早期以保守治疗为主,一旦出现明显的感觉功能障碍症状,宜早期手术治疗。
- Proper distribution of ointment ensures effective action. Enzyme can cause burning, paresthesia, and dermatitis to surrounding skin. 在溃疡坏死部位均匀地涂上薄薄一层软膏。不要将酶涂在周围皮肤上。
- The most commonly observed adverse events, all mild and transient, were headache, paresthesia, upper respiratory infection, dry mouth, nasopharyngitis, and constipation. 最常见的副作用都是轻微且为暂时性,包括头痛、皮肤感觉异常、上呼吸道感染、口乾、鼻咽炎以及便秘。
- Metastatic tumor may occur in the soft tissues or in the jawbones.Rapid growth gingival mass, destruction of jawbones, pain or paresthesia are the common clinical manifestations. 临床表现因转移部位不同而有所差异,但多以快速生长之牙龈肿块或颚骨破坏呈现,并具有疼痛及程度不一之神经感觉异常。
- MEASUREMENTS: Success rate and frequency of untoward events such as needle paresthesia, vessel puncture, infection, and persistent neurologic deficits were prospectively recorded. 无感染发生。作者认为,单纯应用超声引导能有效地用于斜角肌间神经阻断术。
- Conclusions Paresthesia may be helpful for the early diagnosis of MS, evoked potentials and MRI findings may be helpful for discovering subclinical lesions in CNS. 结论出现感觉异常有助于MS早期诊断,诱发电位及MRI有助于发现亚临床病变;
- He did not have diplopia, dysarthria, dysphagia, neck weakness, loss of muscle bulk, numbness, paresthesia, incoordination, or bowel or bladder incontinence. 他没有复视,构音障碍,吞咽困难,颈部无力,肌肉损失批量,麻木,感觉异常,不协调,或肠或膀胱失禁。
- Most of nerve blocks are blind puncture, and require preservaion of consciousness and cooperation so that patients can tell paresthesia and the site of its radiations. 神经阻滞多为盲探性操作,要求病人清醒合作能说出异感并能辨别异感放射的部位。