- We should parent children with both love and discipline. 我们应该用爱和管教来抚养孩子。
- I suppose there's always the alternative that no one is at fault, but I still feel a subtext of "strained parent child relationship" whenever the Grangers are mentioned. 我假定还有一种可能性就是,在这件事上谁都没有错。但每当读到格兰杰夫妇的时候我总不由自主地想到‘父女/母女关系紧张’。
- Methods The DNA samples of 19 parent child pairs with mutations in three loci (FGA, D12S391, and D11S554) were genotyped by silver staining on STR. Alleles to be sequenced were excised from gels, reamplified by PCR, and purified. 方法用银染方法对 3个 STR位点 (FGA、D12 S391、D11S5 5 4 )共 19个发生突变的家系父、母、子的 DNA样本进行 STR基因分型 ,将需测序的等位基因条带从凝胶上切下 ,再进行 PCR扩增 ,产物经纯化作为测序模板 ,采用循环测序法测序。
- It is also a fun way to interactively play and bond with your new puppy. 这也是一个您与您的爱宠交流的好方法。
- The aim of this study is to investigate communicative functions of repetition in children interaction. 摘要本研究目的是在探讨儿童口语言谈中重复现象之沟通功能。
- Thailand - Pichet: Gymboree allows parents and children play together and learn together, that really helps parent children relationship and bonding among them. 泰国:金宝贝为父母和孩子创造了一起游戏和学习的机会,能够帮助促进亲子关系和感情纽带的建立。
- Frequently single parent children take on some of the functions that the absent adult in the house would have served. 单亲家庭的孩子们常常会承担了在这个家庭里缺席的大人所应该承担的一些责任!
- parent child relation deduction system 亲子关系推定制度
- There is a children's interactive play room, a salmon ladder and fish hatchery, and more than 400 species of sea life. 还有儿童互动的游戏间、鲑鱼鱼梯和孵卵的地方,以及四百多品种的水族。
- Therefore, algal virus-host interactions play important roles in bloom dynamics and the propagation of infection. 因此,藻类病毒与宿主之间的相互作用在赤潮动力学和感染的传播中发挥了重要作用。
- It is wrong of you to bully the child. 你不该欺侮那个孩子。
- The child was tired and fretful. 那孩子又疲倦又烦躁不安。
- It is well known that the intermolecular interactions play an important role in chemistry, physics, and in particular in the biodisciplines. 众所周知,分子间的相互作用在化学,物理和特别是在生物方面起着非常重要的作用。
- Driving a car is not child's play. 开车并非是一桩轻而易举的事。
- The court is acting in loco parent. 正以家长地位行为的法院。
- The obstetrician delivered the child. 产科医生替这个孩子接生。
- He tried to soothe the crying child. 他试着去哄那个在哭的孩子。
- Being a parent can be hard work. 当父母可是件辛苦的事。
- In view of this, and the known volume fraction of solute (suspended phase), it is concluded that interparticle interactions play a dominant role in the viscoelasticity of the microemulsions. 如此看来,加上已知溶质(悬浮相)的体积,就可以得出结论,颗粒间相互作用在微乳液的粘弹性中起主要作用。
- It's a real hassle to get this child to eat. 使这孩子吃东西,真要费九牛二虎之力。