- Gets or sets the value returned to the parent form when the button is clicked. 获取或设置单击按钮时返回给父窗体的值。
- Property of the dialog box to access the public members of the parent form. 属性访问父窗体的公共成员。
- Method is called, or the parent form is minimized, hidden, or closed. 方法,或最小化、隐藏或关闭父窗体。
- Enumeration to rearrange the child forms in an MDI parent form. 枚举重新排列子窗体。
- Displays information about the application's current state using a framed area, usually at the bottom of a parent form. 通常在父窗体的底部使用有框架的区域显示有关应用程序的当前状态的信息。
- An MDI child form can be maximized, minimized, and moved within the MDI parent form. MDI子窗体可以在MDI父窗体内最大化、最小化和移动。
- Control can resize or reflow its child controls as the dimensions of the parent form change. 控件可以调整其子控件的大小和流动。
- This property changes the display and behavior of the form to an MDI parent form. 此属性将窗体的显示和行为更改为MDI父窗体。
- All MDI child windows are cascaded within the client region of the MDI parent form. 所有MDI子窗口均层叠在MDI父窗体的工作区内。
- All MDI child windows are tiled horizontally within the client region of the MDI parent form. 所有MDI子窗口均水平平铺在MDI父窗体的工作区内。
- All MDI child windows are tiled vertically within the client region of the MDI parent form. 所有MDI子窗口均垂直平铺在MDI父窗体的工作区内。
- The value of the OrderID control on the main or parent form of the current subform. 当前子窗体的主窗体或父窗体上的“订单ID”控件的值。
- Likewise it also made inheritance of a form dependent on the resolution associated with the parent form. 同样,这还会使窗体的继承依赖于与父窗体关联的分辨率。
- In a method, use the LayoutMdi method to set the MdiLayout enumeration for the MDI parent form. 在方法中,使用LayoutMdi方法设置MDI父窗体的MdiLayout枚举。
- This application demonstrates how to use a child form as a popup menu for a parent form. 这个应用程序演示了如何使用一个子窗体来作为一个父窗体的弹出菜单。
- However, canceling the event will set to true the Cancel property of the FormClosingEventArgs class that is passed as a parameter to the parent form. 但是,取消该事件会将作为参数传递给父窗体的FormClosingEventArgs类的Cancel属性设置成true。
- The following example uses the Cascade setting of the MdiLayout enumeration for the child windows of the MDI parent form (Form1). 下面的示例对MDI父窗体(Form1)的子窗口使用MdiLayout枚举的Cascade设置。
- This information might be required for initialization of the dialog box or involve specific details about the application state of the parent form. 对话框的初始化可能需要此信息,或者此信息可能涉及有关父窗体的应用程序状态的特定详细资料。
- Create an MDI parent form that has a menu structure containing File and Window top-level menu items and New and Close menu items. 创建菜单结构中包含顶级菜单项“文件”和“窗口”及菜单项“新建”和“关闭”的MDI父窗体。
- The daffodil's popularity has resulted in the production of many varieties differing from the yellow parent form mainly in color. 品种多,亲本为黄色,而变种有各种颜色,是黄水仙极受欢迎的原因。