- parent fish pond 亲鱼池
- Every abbey and grest man's house had its fish pond. 每所修道院和显贵要人的宅邸都有自己的鱼塘。
- A parent fish can breed up to forty thousand offspring. 一条母鱼可产四万多条鱼仔。
- Fish Pond flooding in the Northwest New Territories. 新界西北部的鱼塘受水浸影响。
- The fish pond in Kam Tin with excessive algae problems. 位于锦田的鱼塘,有过量海藻产生问题。
- Every abbey and great man's house had its fish pond. 每所修道院和显贵要人的宅邸都有自己的鱼塘。
- The koi fish pond in the most beautiful temple in Jementah. 利民达最华丽的庙里的鲤鱼塘。
- The stockman is spreading a great quantity of fish food into the fish pond. 饲养员正在往鱼塘里撒喂大量鱼食。
- We have come to a remote place, we saw some fish pond, the water turbidity. 我们来到一个偏僻的地方,只见鱼池里的水有些浑浊。
- The maturity rate of parent fishes was 83 8% in female and 92 1% in male. 雌雄亲鱼的成熟率为83 8%25和 92 1%25。
- Main factors influencing the growth of planktonic bacteria in fish pond ecosystem. 鱼池生态系统中影响浮游细菌生长制约因素的研究。
- In May, people tour the Gold Fish Pond, offer incense at Zhongding and the Yaowang (God of Medicines) Temple. 五月游金鱼池,中顶进香,药王庙进香。
- In the park, there is a Japanese Garden including bamboo, pine trees, fish pond, and a tea house. 在植物园里,设有一个日本花园,包括竹子、松树、鱼池、和茶室。
- You can see the rhapis gracilis in the fish pond and the water lily next to each other. 观赏鱼池里棕竹摇曳生姿,与水面上的荷花相映成趣。
- A listener in Abuja, Nigeria, named Okorie wants to know more about fish pond farmfarming. 一位尼日利亚阿布贾的听众想要深入了解池塘养鱼。
- Some owners special attention, and even design a rockery, gold fish pond, wells or pavilion. 有的业主特别讲究,甚至设计了假山、金鱼池、水井或者凉亭。
- A listener in Abuja, Nigeria, named Okorie , wants to know more about fish pond farming. 一位来自尼日利亚阿布贾的听众想要了解更多关于池塘养鱼业的信息。
- The Jones' estate was very large,it included rolling green hillsa large fish pond. 琼斯家拥有大面积的地产,包括起伏的绿色山丘和一个大鱼池。
- Every April, we need HKD 80000 to pay the rent for the fish ponds. 每年四月,我们需要为数约八万港元支付鱼塘的租金。