- The intimacy between parboiled rice and I begun in the year 2002 A. 我与蒸谷米的渊源起始于2002年。
- Parboiled rice has many merits, such as high value of nutrition, good quality, and easy for storage. 摘要蒸谷米具有营养价值高、加工品质好、出饭率高、易储藏等优点。
- The producing techniques of parboiled rice of COFCO Jiangxi Rice Processing Limited are introduced. 介绍了中粮(江西)米业有限公司的蒸谷米生产工艺。
- The physicochemical characteristics of parboiled rice bran and common rice bran were determined. 对蒸谷米糠和普通米糠的物理特性和化学特性进行了测定。
- Looking for packaged pasta, long grain rice, parboiled rice, coffee beans, espresso beans, cookies and biscuits. 欲购买包装面,长粒大米,蒸谷米,咖啡豆,咖啡咖啡豆,饼干。
- They sell lentils, wheat-flour, parboiled rice, curry powders, chickpeas and toiletries. 有卖扁豆、小麦粉、蒸谷米、咖喱粉、鹰嘴豆和洗漱用品的。
- The Effect of sequential soaking, boiling and drying process on the quality of parboiled rice was studied. 对浸泡、蒸煮、干燥等湿热处理对蒸谷米品质的影响进行了研究。
- Types of rice in America, rice milling steps and parboiled rice processes were elaborated in this paper. Use of rice was simply mentioned as well. 阐述了美国稻谷的类型、碾米工艺、蒸谷米加工及大米的其他用途。
- So, what do you say for the victory of State Yue? Parboiled rice, being the crucial material factor, can never be neglected. 您了说越国为啥能胜呢?蒸谷米作为其最重要的物质方面原因是无法忽略的。
- The Parboil rice with the trade mark of “Mao Xiang Gu Nong”( Rice from Mao minority) is an organic rice. “苗乡谷农”蒸谷米,采用无公害优质水稻生产。
- We should say that parboiled rice originated from China twenty-five centuries ago. Though contemporary industrialized production for parboled rice started in India in 70’s last century. 虽然近代工业化大规模生产蒸谷米始于上世纪六七十年代的印度。
- Parboiled Rice: Origin and Development in China 我国蒸谷米的起源与发展
- Analysis of Parboiled Rice Development in China 中国蒸谷米产业发展分析
- Analysis of producing techniques of parboiled rice 蒸谷米生产工艺简析
- Potatoes can be parboiled before roasting. 土豆可先煮至半熟再烤。
- Rice is the chief crop in most southern provinces. 稻子是大多数南方省份的主要作物。
- Keywords parboiled rice;rice bran;physicochemical characteristics; 蒸谷米;米糠;理化特性;
- Do you prefer to have rice or buns? 你愿意吃饭还是吃馒头。
- Keywords parboiled rice;clean and classify;soak;boil;wake; 蒸谷米;清理分级;浸泡;蒸煮;缓苏;
- After harvest we will have a mass of rice. 秋收后,我们将获得大量稻谷。