- Parametric equations describing the geometric shape of welding edge at pipe joints are presented.An approach to work out the welding chamfers is illustrated. 用参数方程描述切割相贯曲面的空间几何关系和运动关系,提出解决焊接坡口的方法,并推导出切割过程中各运动分量的求解公式。
- This paper presents an efficient algorithm for the implicitization of parametric curves defined by polynomial parametric equations, which is mainly based on the theory of matrices. 摘要 给出了多项式参数方程定义的参数曲线的有效隐式化算法,此算法主要是基于矩阵理论。
- vector-type parametric equations 向量式参数方程
- Point-normal equation and parametric equation of offset lines are used to compute the vertex of offset contour lines. 采用偏置线段的点法方程和参数方程联立求偏置轮廓线顶点;
- It proves that the analytical equation is equivalent to the parametric equation under certain condition. 证明了在一定条件下解析方程与参数方程两种形式的等价性。
- The present SLG approach uses original parameter equations of invisid compressible flow and method of finite difference. 该方法采用无粘可压的原参数方程组及 有限差格式。
- In the form of function of functions this article derives the parametric equation of cylinder helix the lead of which is of a linear change. 用复合函数的形式,导出导程呈线性变化的圆柱螺旋线的参考方程。
- By the solution of the model,a calculating formula of the local dihedral angel of intersecting line and a parametric equation of contacting li. 通过对此数学模型的求解,导出了相交双管相贯线上各点局部二面角的计算公式,给出了相交双管装配接触线的参数方程,并解释了其数学本质。
- We have obtained fast generation algorithms for ellipse, parabola, hyperbola, Archimedes spiral, logarithmic spiral, and probability curve arcs with increments and properly-chosen parameter equations. 本文采用增量法,选取适当的参数方程,得到了椭园(包括园)、抛物线、双曲线、阿基米德螺线、对数螺线以及概率曲线弧的快速生成算法。
- Abstract: Based on the arc length formulae of the parallel to the easement curve and its property, this paper gives the parameter equations of the parallel to the easement curve takiing the arc length itself as variable. 文摘:基于缓和曲线平行线弧长公式及其性质,给出了缓和曲线平行线以其自身弧长为变量的参数方程。
- In this work, we formulate firstly the parametric equation of the cutting edge, whose trajectory equation relative to the workpiece is then generated through a series of coordinate transformations. 本文应用微分几何理论建立了任意轮廓铣刀切削刃刃线的参数方程,并在此基础上利用空间坐标变换方法建立了任意轮廓铣刀切削刃上任意点与工件相对运动的轨迹方程。
- I could never do simultaneous equations. 我从来不会算联立方程式。
- Parametric Equation of Straight Line 直线参数方程的应用
- Not only the equation are a basis to get motion parameter equation,but also necessities to develop software of SCM in programs of motion parameter equation. 这些计算式不仅是导出其它运动参数计算式的基础,也是完成各运动程序的单片机软件开发所必须的。
- The varying pitch helixes were constructed on the parameter equation,and were selected as sweep trajectory;the surface of the screw was enveloped on the generating method. 运用傅立叶分析的方法说明了加网和扫描的过程,对扫描半色调印刷品时所产生的龟纹进行了理论的解释,并提出了抑制此类龟纹的方法。
- The Parametric Equations of the Parallel to the Easement Curve and Its Application 缓和曲线平行线的参数方程及应用
- Dirac was unwilling to discard his equations. 狄刺克不愿意抛弃他的方程。
- The branch of algebra that deals with quadratic equations. 二次方程式论处理二次方程式的代数学的分支
- The General Parametric Equations of the Lines Parallel to Easement Curve and Its Application 缓和曲线平行线的通用参数方程及应用
- That leads to biquadratic equations for solution. 它们又引出待解的双二次方程。