- paracentric heterochromatin 臂内异染色质, 着丝粒旁异染色质
- A chromosome composed primarily of heterochromatin. 异染色体主要由异染色质组成的染色体
- Of or relating to heterochromatin. 异染质的异染色质的或与之相关的
- Monocyte is characterized by microscopic nuclear heterochromatin. 淋巴细胞的核质比例大。
- Notice the absence of heterochromatin at the site of the pore. 注意核孔处的异染质缺失现象。
- Chromosome material with exhibits of such behaviour is called heterochromatin. 表现这种现象的染色体物质叫做异染色质。
- As always, nucleoli and nuclear heterochromatin stain darkly with hematoxylin. 总之,核仁与细胞核中的异染色质被苏木精染成深色。
- Heterochromatin has shown to be composed largely of short repeated polynucleotide sequences. 异染色质大部分是由短而重复的多核苷酸序列所组成的。
- The origin of such large amounts of constitutive heterochromatin and their role in karyotype evolution and speciation remain a mystery. 如此大量的结构异染色质的来源及其在染色体组型进化和物种形成中的任务仍是一个谜。
- Euchromatin is thought to be actively involved in transcription and therefore protein synthesis, while heterochromatin is inavtive. 异染色质由于折叠压缩程度高,所以被碱性染料染色时着色较深。
- The nucleus round or ellipse lay in the center of cells and the heterochromatin and the nucleolus were not obvious. 细胞核呈圆形或椭圆形,位于细胞中央,异染质和核仁不明显。
- One of these is control of repeated DNA sequences in and outside the heterochromatin. 其中之一是调节异染色质内和异染色质外的重复DNA序列的途径,还有就是核仁结构的调节。
- What other functions abundant heterochromatin may perform are still an open question. 至于大量的异染色质还有什么作用仍然是一个问题。
- The aggregates of heterochromatin around the nuclear membrane and the shrinkage of nucleus were also observed. 睾丸间质细胞胞浆内线粒体变性,溶酶体增多,胞质内有大量空泡,可见染色质边聚和细胞核固缩现象。
- C-banding confirmed increase in the heterochromatin in one chromosome 9 and inversion in the other. C显带证实在一条9号染色体的异染色质增加和另一条9好染色体倒位。
- Cells take diverse shapes. These are epithelial cords of block-like cells. As always, nucleoli and nuclear heterochromatin stain darkly with hematoxylin. 不同形态的细胞。这些是立方细胞排列成的上皮索状结构。总之,核仁与细胞核中的异染色质被苏木精染成深色。
- When the H3K9 methylation pathway is functioning properly, heterochromatin remains condensed and a single nucleolus forms around the ribosomal DNA. 当H3K9甲基化路径正常是,异染色质处于致密状态,在核糖体DNA周围形成单个核仁。
- Interstitial heterochromatin has been observed on the blarm of X chromosome. Y chromosome is completely C-band positive. X染色体两臂有端位C带,Y染色体是C带阳性和晚复制的。
- This chromatin is called heterohromatin.The chromatin which stains less deeply than heterochromatin is called euchromatin. 异染色质呈较大的深染团块,常染色质染色较淡。
- This mutant showed an increased sensitivity to DNA damage and release of transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) in heterochromatin. 这个突变体同时也显现了对DNA损伤的高敏感性以及在异染色质上转录基因沉默(TGS)的释放。