- Prepare the quality file material for the audit. 准备相关的审核资料。
- Room lighting, paper quality, screen and printer resolution, and browser settings all can be different. 室内照明、纸张质量、屏幕和打印机分辨率以及浏览器设置等都有可能不同。
- This makes key role to defiber and treat stock points and thus improves the paper quality. 特别对纤维的帚化、处理浆点、提高成纸质量起了关键的作用。
- Air in coating color greatly influences the paper quality and coater runnability. 涂料中的气体将影响到涂布纸质量和涂布机的运行性能。
- The effects of precipitated calcium carbonate(PCC) and grounded calcium carbonate(GCC) on paper quality was compared. 通过实验比较分析了轻质碳酸钙、重质碳酸钙不同填加比率对成纸质量的影响;
- Capable to set the sharpening space and time according to paper quality or trimming conditon to ensure sharp cutter. 可依纸质或修边状况设定磨刀时间及间歇,以确保刀片之锋利。
- Additionally, Honeywell is providing Nine Dragons 10 Da Vinci 4000 scanners that precisely measure paper quality using a suite of online sensors. 此外,霍尼韦尔正为九龙提供10个达芬奇4000扫描仪,利用一套在线传感器,精确测量纸的质量。
- Paper quality of paper of oil absorption of gold foil paper is superior, have antiseptic effect, have puissant oil absorption function. 金箔纸吸油纸纸质上好,具有杀菌的作用,并拥有强力的吸油功能。
- Company's kraft paper, wrapping paper quality, product quality in strict accordance with GB/T9001: 2000 management system. 公司生产的牛皮纸,包装纸品质优良,产品质量严格按GB/T9001:2000体系管理。
- With spinach to be the main raw material, this paper investigated the methods of valuating fruit and vegetable paper quality. 探讨了以菠菜为主要原料,探讨果蔬纸的加工方法。
- Although there are some defects in the network poetry, it doesn"t hinder the coexisting of the network poetry and the paper quality poetry. 尽管网络诗歌还存在着很多不足,但这并不妨碍网络诗歌成为与纸质诗歌并存的诗歌形态。
- Superheated steam impingement drying is a new drying method, its principle, features and effect on the paper quality are presented. 介绍了过热蒸汽冲击干燥的原理、特点及其对纸张性能的影响。
- It is used for the screening of lowconsistency pulp before the paper making machine.It can effectively remove impurities and break up the pulp materials to increase paper quality. 主要用于纸机前低浓浆料的筛选,能有效的去除杂质和疏散浆料,从而提高纸张质量。
- The water-resistance agent with melamine and un-improved glyoxal as matrices has negative effects on the paper quality because of the polymerization potential of its own. 以三聚氰胺及未改进的乙二醛为基质的抗水剂,因本身会发生聚合反应,会造成纸张质量的负面影响。
- The solid ink roll be uses in the machine, used for plastics thin film, paper quality etc. material surface prints to make the date of production, batch number...etc marking. 详细说明:产品用途及特点:固体墨轮配套于墨轮机使用,用于塑料、薄膜、纸质等材料表面印制生产日期,批号等标识。
- All of this newspaper peacetimes are a plain paper quality, today be it of issue 20 anniversary, all newspaper all for 16 open copperplate printing hard quality paper! 这家报纸平时都是普通纸质,今天是它的发行二十周年纪念,全部报纸皆为十六开铜版印刷硬质纸!
- Celluiose has a water absorption, therefore, commonly used in coated paper, uncoated paper, kraft paper, paper quality water content is an important factor. 纤维素具有必定的吸火本能机能,因此,不离常用的铜版纸、胶版纸、牛皮纸而言,含火率是暗示纸弛质度的一个轻给成分。
- Formation and accumulation of slimes and deposits are the major reasons inducing paper quality problems such as dirty spots,broken holes,and even cause the broken of paper in AKD sizing system. 烷基烯酮二聚体(AKD)的中(碱)性施胶系统中,腐浆及沉积物的产生和积累是产生纸张脏点、破洞,甚至引起断头等质量问题的主要原因。
- Other disadvantages affecting their papers' quality are underpaid researchers, poor research facilities, and late-coming research materials. 其他缺点尚包括研究人员待遇微薄,研究设备严重不足以及资料更新迟缓等。
- Create photograph the electronics photo album VCD, change the paper quality conservancy method of the traditional photograph, and then make the photograph be display with vivid multi -media form. 将相片制作成电子相册VCD,改变了传统相片的纸质保存方法,又能使相片以生动的多媒体形式展示。