- paper tube machine 纸管抄制机
- I was 10 and wound wire around a toilet paper tube to form the inductor. 我10岁时,在卫生纸卷筒上绕上电线,做成电感器。
- The quality control method based on the control chart and the TQC of paper tube product series are addressed. 在产品质量控制方面,提出了以控制图为基础的控制方法,并对纸管产品实施全面质量控制进行了阐述;
- Our company is the biggest cotton yarn appropriation paper tube inside Henan to produce a factory house. 本公司是河南省内最大的棉纱专用纸管生产厂家。
- spiral paper tube winding machine 螺旋卷管机
- Product is manufactured in form of a roll wound on a paper tube and then packed in a plastic film and placed within a cardboard carton. 产品生产时卷于纸芯管上,然后用塑料薄膜包装,置于纸板箱中。
- Iro-headed paper tube Use the iron head to strengthen, so that can turnover and recovery to lift a high performance and save cost.... 产品简介: 铁头纸管 端部用铁头加强,满足周转和回收使用需求,提高性能节约成本。
- GLS-II Aluminum-plastic Laminated Tube Machine was made on our first generation tube machine and advanced foreign technologies.It integrates with mechanical, electronic and pneumatic technologies. GLS-II型铝塑复合软管制管机是在我公司第一代制管机的基础上,吸收国外先进技术研制成功的。
- The principles and the structure of large spiral coiling tube machine were introduced and analyzed in this article. At the same times, the adaptability and application requirement were stated. 本文对大型螺旋盘管机的原理及构造作一分析介绍,阐明其适用性和使用要求。
- A kind of emulsion adhesive used for paper tube was prepared by cross linked copolymerization of EVA emulsion, VAc and acrylic acid and addition of high quality filler. 以EVA乳液,醋酸乙烯、烯酸通过共聚和交联反应,配以优质填料研制了一种纸管用乳液胶粘剂。
- This tester is used for determining the transverse compression strength of paper tube, bobbin, paper can, and composite can... etc. it can also be used for testing taper tube. 纸管抗压试验机,电动纸管抗压试验机是专门测试纸管,胶管,纸罐之横压强度,或一般小型包装容器之抗压能力。
- Instability of compression strength of paper tube, which is during the curling process, is solved and the process capability is improved, using the orthogonal experiment. 对纸管产品的过程质量进行分析,利用正交实验的方法,解决了卷曲过程中,纸管耐压强度不稳定的问题,提高了工序能力水平;
- Automatic fluorescent tube bend tube machine 自动灯管弯管机
- Using the technology of computer aided design and computer aided manufacture,the big diameter cams in colour TV tube machines was made out by using CNC machine,it is successful in prance. 本文应用计算机辅助编程、辅助设计与辅助制造技术,对进口彩色显像管石墨涂敷机专用大直径凸轮槽导轨进行了自动编程与数控加工,使进口大直径凸轮导轨的制造国产化,并获得了满意的效果。
- For drying corrugated board, asbestos Sheets, paper tubes, magnesium board and so on. 用于瓦楞纸、石棉板、纸管、玻镁板等的烘干。
- high pressure hydraulic test tube machine 高压水压试管机
- Herbicide, chlorimuron-ethyl, was applied in the field in 2001, both of the growth vigour and the root yield of the sugar beet were investigated in 2003, by which paper tube nursery and direct seeding. 摘要2003年对2001年喷施过豆磺隆除草剂的地块,测定了纸筒育苗和直播两种栽植方式甜菜的长势和产量。
- His sooty hand smudged the paper. 他被煤烟熏污的手把纸弄脏了。
- tube machine(mill, drawing machine, extruder) 制管机
- The paper tubes take the vertical loads. Thus the intersection of the paper tubes and the floor has been designed very simply to avoid slippage. 纸管承担竖向荷载,因此在纸管交叉处以及在与地面的连接处被特殊处理以避免滑移。