- paper tape control symbol [计] 纸带控制符
- Paper Tape Control in the Secondary Tension Control System 二次张力系统中的纸带控制方法
- paper tape control unit 纸带控制器
- We use sticky paper tape to stick things together. 我们用胶纸把东西粘在一起。
- paper tape control 纸带控制器
- A perforation,as in a punched card or paper tape. 在穿孔卡片或纸带上穿孔的一种动作。
- A perforation, as in a punched card or paper tape. 在穿孔卡片或纸带上穿孔的一种动作。
- The computer technician reads the paper tape. 电脑的技术人员在解读纸带。
- Make up an example like those in(c)and draw the paper tape. 编一个类似(c)题的例子,并绘制成纸带图形。
- Perforator Key board which produces prunched paper tape. 把纸带打孔的键盘。
- For example, some installations use either magnetic or paper tape. 例如,有些装置不是用磁带就是用纸带。
- Control symbols take no delimiters. 控制字符不需要分隔符。
- Punch tape: Synonymous with Paper tape, Perforated tape. 穿孔纸带:是纸带的同义词。
- Magnetic tape, for example, is"erasable" and paper tape is not. 例如磁带是可擦除的,纸带是不可擦除的。
- "Reading" is taking the coded information from punched cards or paper tape. “读出”就是从穿孔长片或纸带上提取代码信息。
- Small pieces of paper or cardboard generated by punching holes in paper tape or data cards. 孔屑在纸带或数据卡片上打孔所产生的小纸屑或硬纸片
- Now you can control symbols case in filenames and extensions. 现在你就可以控制位于文件名和扩展名当中的字符了。
- A control symbol consists of a backslash followed by a single, nonalphabetic character. For example, ~ represents a nonbreaking space. Control symbols take no delimiters. 一个控制符号由一个反斜杠以及紧跟着它的一个简单的非字母的字符。例如,~代表一个不换行空格。控制字符不需要分隔符。
- A device used to record data directly onto magnetic tape. It consists of a tape drive,keyboard,control and logic circuit,and occasionally other input devices such as paper tape readers. 将数据直接记录到磁带上去的一种装置,由磁带机、键盘、控制和逻辑电路组成,有时也包括其它输入设备,如纸带阅读机。
- A device used to record data directly onto magnetic tape. It consists of a tape drive, keyboard, control and logic circuit, and occasionally other input devices such as paper tape readers. 将数据直接记录到磁带上去的一种装置,由磁带机、键盘、控制和逻辑电路组成,有时也包括其它输入设备,如纸带阅读机。