- The miners are panning for gold in the streams. 矿工们正在小河中淘金。
- This was known as "panning for gold. 这就是人们所熟知的“淘金”。
- This process was known as" panning for gold. 这一过程被称为"淘金淘金"。
- Some old miners are still panning for gold in the streams. 一些老矿工仍旧在这些河里淘金。
- Some old miners are still panning for gold in the streams . 一些老矿工仍旧在这些河里淘金。
- I swayed and jiggled the watery mixture as if I were panning for gold. 我抱着搪瓷罐就像淘金子那样使劲把这些水汪汪的混合物摇匀。
- To wash(gravel,for example) in a pan for gold or other precious metal. 淘金在盘子中冲洗(如矿砂)以便得到金子或其它珍贵的金属。
- To wash(gravel, for example) in a pan for gold or other precious metal. 淘金在盘子中冲洗(如矿砂)以便得到金子或其它珍贵的金属
- Some old miners are still panning for gold in the streams where fortunes were found long ago. 在很久以前发现财富的小溪里,现在仍然有一些老矿工在用淘盘淘金。
- But finding the right property for your limited investment dollars is like panning for gold: You have to sift through a lot of gravel before you find that valuable nugget. 但是,用有限的投资买到正确的房子却像淘金一样不容易:你要滤过许多沙子才能发现金子。
- When Smitty got to California he started panning for gold, but he instead found a five-foot-long tongue of silver in a river bed. 斯米梯去加利福尼亚淘金,却在河床上发现了一个五英尺长的银条。
- Explore the daily ritual of the gold town.Enjoy panning for gold, riding on a horse-drawn carriage, taking Costume photo and shopping for old-fashioned unique souvenirs. 追忆当年寻梦者的淘金岁月,享受亲自淘金,坐马车,怕古装艺术照和选购古老独特的澳洲纪念品的乐趣。
- Can you ladle the soup out of this deep pan for me? 你能从这个深底锅里舀点汤给我吗?
- Every year, the Wickenburg Chamber of Commerce sponsors a festival to celebrate the town's mining and ranching heritage, and participants get to shovel and pan for gold! 每一年,威肯勃格商会都会赞助举办庆祝大会,旨在表彰该镇的矿业及牧业常规,而参加者都有机会参与挖金及淘金工作!
- A container or pan for making popcorn. 爆玉米花团之容器或长柄锅
- The quest for gold was difficult. 寻找金矿是很困难的。
- Panning for gold or an exploration, 什么淘金啊、探险啊,
- Hundreds of workers came that humid summer to build a railway bridge across the Keelung River; among them a Cantonese man who had panned for gold in California. 在那个湿热的夏季,数百名工人前来建造横跨基隆河的铁桥,其中有一名广东工人曾在加利福尼亚淘过金。
- The years rushed by. I became a sailor; I drove an Arctic dog team; I panned for gold in Alaska. When Pancho Villa formed his army in Mexico,I joined him. 光阴飞逝,我当过水手,赶过北极的狗拉雪橇队,在阿拉斯加淘过金,最后加入了番曲·维拉在墨西哥组建的军队。
- The years rushed by. I became a sailor; I drove an Arctic dog team; I panned for gold in Alaska. When Pancho Villa formed his army in Mexico, I joined him. 光阴飞逝,我当过水手,赶过北极的狗拉雪橇队,在阿拉斯加淘过金,最后加入了番曲·维拉在墨西哥组建的军队。