- panicle setting rate 成穗率
- The panicle seed setting rate is mainly confined by secondary branch seed setting rate, and they have significantly positive correlation. 结实率主要受控于二次枝梗结实特性,育种上要从结实率角度挖掘水稻的增产潜力,就要着重考虑选育二次枝梗结实率高进而结实率高的品种。
- The results showed that value of cold water response index (CRI) of seed setting rate was low, but CRI of seed spike lets per panicle and CRI of culm length were high. 结果表明,在主要农艺性状中,结实率的冷水反应指数(CRI)值相对较小,受低温冷害程度较大,穗粒数和杆长的CRI值相对较大,低温冷害片其影响较小;
- Otherwise, autoteraploid rices had much higher heterosis than that of diploid hybrids in the character of filled spikelets per panicle, spikelets per panicle and seed setting rate. 此外,杂种在四倍体水平与二倍体水平比较,在每穗实粒数、每穗总粒数和结实率等主要产量性状上,具有明显的杂种优势;
- The 1 000-grain weight and seed setting rate improved with the increase of diammonium phosphate. 增加磷酸二铵的施用量,水稻的千粒重和结实率也随之提高。
- Meanwhile the genotype with more grain number was also physiologically based on higher seed setting rate. 同时大穗多粒基因型也以较高的可孕小花结实率为生理基础。
- The comprehensive factors resulting in the low seed setting rate of wide rice in Gaozhou were discussed in this paper. 本文对导致结实率偏低的综合因素进行了讨论。
- The outcrossed seed setting rate was high at 48.8% in its multiplication plots and 54.1% in its hybrid seed production plots. 异交结实率较高,繁种田结实率为48.;8%25,繁制种产量高;
- The results demonstrated that day to pollination (DTP) had a positive significant relationship to day to silking (DTS), silking duration (SD) and seed setting rate (SSR). 同时吐丝期与吐丝周期、花丝活力,以及吐丝周期和花丝活力也呈极显著正相关;
- To clarify, a Roach regenerates at a set rate and Psi Storm does a set amount of damage at intervals in the area of effect. 扫盲澄清一下,蟑螂的恢复能力是按照一定速率来回复的,而心灵风暴则是一个定量的范围伤害效果。
- The results indicated that improving the kernel number per spike should be focused on increasing the spikelet number, floret differentiation rate and grain set rate. 因此,小麦穗粒数的改良应在增加结实小穗数的基础上提高小花的分化速率和小花的结实率。
- ISS recognise that the majority of Alliances only allow mining rights on a passport basis. What we request is a negotiated set rate for each member of the ISS. ISS承认大多数的联盟仅仅允许内部成员进行采矿。我们请求为我们ISS的成员公司能够获得一定比率的矿务开采权.
- It is now our aim to set up a factory. 我们现在的目的是创办一座工厂。
- The result showed that the green leaf area of three weeks after heading and the dry matter weight of leaf sheath and culm in two weeks was positively correlated with grain setting rate. 结果认为抽穗3周后的绿叶面积、抽穗后2周内的茎鞘干物质量与结实率呈显著的正相关关系。
- Differential flocculation was proposed as the mechanism to explain these observed variations in setting rates with salinity. 有人提出用差异凝聚作用的机理来解释所观察到的沉降速度随盐度变化的原因。
- In the present experiment, pollen fertility and self-fertilized seed setting rate approved that the techniques were feasible and effective for safeguarding seed production of two-line hybrid rice. 通过不育系花粉育性和自交结实率的观测,证实了该技术的有效性。
- The characters of SP1 variation plants at maturity stage also appeared big changes.SP1 variation plants had short growing period, high seed setting rate, loose plant-type and clavated spike-type. 成熟期SP1代变异株性状也有较大变化,表现为生育期显著缩短,结实率有所提高,株型向松散趋势发展,穗型则均表现为棍棒形,株高、穗粒数和千粒重的变化品种间表现不一致。
- She had the sapphire set in a gold ring. 她把那枚蓝宝石镶在金戒指上了。
- The judgment set a new precedent. 那次判决树立了一个新的判例。
- Hormone Levels in Functional Leaves of Tillers and Their Correlation to Panicle Setting in Rice 水稻分蘖功能叶激素水平变化及其与成穗率的关系