- panel data interface 屏面数据接口
- One data interface of a particular type. 一个特定种类的数据界面。
- You can use Limdep, stata or sas/IML to do panel data analysis in this case. 40帮我看看,这样的数据能做面板分析吗?,经济,经济学论坛,经济论坛,经济学,在职研究生
- Computer data interface and VOD system will take much more convenient to you. 电脑数据接口VOD点播系统,给您带来更多的方便。
- Data interface blueprints are now visible and searchable on contracts. 数据接口的蓝图现在能够在合同上搜寻得到。
- Data Interface blueprints are now searchable in the contracts interface. 现在可以用自动锁定系统I蓝图进行发明工作了。
- Jeffrey M Wooldridge,"Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data",The MIT press. 古扎拉蒂:计量经济学基础(第四版).;中国人民大学出版社
- Wooldridge,J.M.,2002,“Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data”,The MIT Press. 吴卫星;齐天翔.;流动性、生命周期与投资组合相异性--中国投资者行为调查实证分析[J]
- Wooldridge, J.M..Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data[M].Cambridge:MIT Press,1999. 根据的相关数据计算得到.
- Their appetite for similar internal capabilities was whetted by exposure to an open data interface that was easy to use and self-directed. 他们要求在公司内部获得相似能力的愿望,随着看到一种容易使用、自行定向的开放式数据接口而得到加强。
- This paper's econometric analysis of household level panel data from China largely corroborates these theoretical propositions. 本文利用面板数据的计量分析在很大程度上证明了后悔效应的存在。
- The paper empirically studies the impact of foreign trade and FDI on China's environment pollution with panel data through 2000-2005 from 30 provinces. 文章通过中国30个省(市、区)2000-2005年面板数据,对FDI与外贸的环境污染效应进行了实证分析。
- Basing on data are from eight Asian countries, this paper use nonstationary panel data to research the Growth &Concentration of Banks by competed. 本文基于亚洲国家或地区的相关数据,运用非稳定面板数据计量方法研究银行集中与经济增长的关系。
- Data integration is a process of consolidating multiple data sources into a uniform data interface for data analysis. 数据集成是将多个数据源联合成一个统一数据接口来进行数据分析的过程。
- Using a panel data set of 817 firms listed in the Taft Corporate Giving Directory from 1987 to 1999, we find strong support for these arguments. 使用一个1987至1999年塔夫特企业名录中的817家上市公司的面板数据,我们发现数据强烈支持这些论点。
- The data interface is also electrically connected to the balance housing (ground). 数据接口同样与电子天平壳体(地)连接。
- This paper explores the effect of integration of trade and investment on the R&D investments by panel data model and principal components analysis. 本文利用面板数据模型,结合主成分分析法,研究了中国贸易投资一体化对研发投入的影响。
- STEP-NC is a CNC data interface proposed by the developed industrial countries based on STEP. STEP-NC是工业化发达国家基于STEP标准提出的CNC数据接口。
- Third, the data interface including the asynchrony FIFO submodule between DSP and FPGA was designed. (3)独立完成了FPGA与DSP之间接口的总体设计、接口中的异步FIFO模块的设计与实现;
- Frantzen.D.The Causality between R&D and Productivity in Manufacturing:An International Disaggregate Panel Data Study[J].International Review of Applied Economics,2003,17(2). 2004年;电子及通信设备制造业研发投资占高技术产业研发投资比重为64.;54%25;电子计算机及办公设备制造业比重为13