- pamna hazara 帕姆纳哈泽拉细布
- Ethnic Composition: Pushtun 38%, Tajik 25%, Hazara 19%, Uzbek 6%, other 12%. 民族:普什图族占38%25,塔吉克族占25%25,哈扎拉族占19%25,乌兹别克族占6%25,其他民族12%25。
- Bamiyan is the home of the Shia Hazara, the third largest ethnic group in Afghanistan. 巴米扬是什叶派哈扎拉的所在地,什叶派哈扎拉是阿富汗大三大族群。
- But 65 Hazara villages have been emptied, according to Western officials, and around a dozen people killed. 虽然Kuchi拥有不多于200名战士,还带着家人和牲口,但是根据西方官员描述,65个哈扎拉村庄已被洗劫一空,大约十几人死亡。
- The Hazara Rama Temple built within rectangular complex lies at the heart of the royal centre. 哈扎拉拉玛庙(HazaraRamaTemple)兴建矩形复杂熟记于心的皇家中心。
- As a result, Afghanistan is a country of ethnic minorities: Pashtun (38 percent), Tajik (25 percent), Hazara (19 percent), and Uzbek (6 percent). 于是,阿富汗成了一多民族的国家,帕坦族(38%25),塔吉克族(25%25),哈扎拉(19%25),乌兹别克(6%25)。
- Ask a soldier the difference between a Pashtun and a Tajik or between a Hazara and a Uzbek, and you're likely to get a blank stare. 当你问一个士兵:普什图人和塔吉克人,或阿扎拉人和乌兹别克人有何区别时,他很可能只会茫然地看着你。
- Dating from the early 15th century, the hall of the Hazara Rama Temple has finely carved basalt pillars depicting the incarnations of Vishnu. 追溯到十五世纪初期,馆内的哈扎拉拉玛寺有细刻玄武岩支柱描绘的化身vishnu。
- Hazara Boy (Rohullah Nikpai) the prouf of Afghanistan God bless Rohullah Nikpai ... From: 1000AKing Views: 4608 23 ratings [... 台湾战神-中华民国史上奥运第2面金牌-2004年雅典奥运-跆拳道-颁奖典礼-朱木炎
- It’s in an old colonial-era diplomatic house, and there’s a terrific Thai restaurant called Lan Na Thai upstairs and a terrific Indian restaurant called Hazara downstairs. 记忆中从来不用 “我爱你”一句,眼角眉稍说出的感觉更让人回味。有次和女友聊天,天南地北良久后触及两性主题,两人一向有默契,中文马上转为英文。
- Reported that before the medical examination found the Huai Hazara nine births, of which 2 have been suspected of suffocation death, and the remaining 7 well-developed fetus. 这位名叫哈扎拉的“超级妈妈”今年27岁,来自埃及北部的布海拉省,此前已经生育过3个孩子。
- Hazara awas there. 哈扎拉在那里。
- But Hazara farmers in Behsood say that the Kuchis' own animals are stripping grasses that the locals need to cut and dry to keep their sheep and goats alive during harsh highland winters. 但是Behsood的哈加拉农民则说,是Kuchi人自己的牲畜们把草吃绝了,当地人才不得不先把草储存好,这样到了严酷的冬季,他们的绵羊和山羊才能在高原上维持生命。
- With folded hands Hazara looked at the Master and said every now and they:"How blessed you are! How blessed you are!" 哈扎拉两手抱在一起,看着师父,不时地说:“你是多么有福!你是多么有福!”
- Hazara bunyavirus 哈扎拉本扬病毒
- Hazara nairovirus 哈扎拉内罗病毒
- Hazara virus 哈扎拉病毒
- Hazara 哈扎拉人