- palmar adduction 掌侧内收(拇指)
- The local strip of palmar aponeurosis was excised. 均手术切除局部的掌腱膜条索。
- He adduction Shakespeare during over the speech. 他讲话结束时引用了莎士比亚的语录。
- Old man path: Mine also is palmar car. 老汉道:我的也是手掌车。
- In this step, the adduct from stepl is fluorinated. 在这一步,将步骤1的加合产物进行氟化。
- Adduction of the upper arm to maximize forward propulsion. 内收上臂以产生最大的向前推进力。
- It's a two-component amine adduct cured epoxy paint. 一种双组份胺加成固化的环氧涂料。
- Is palmar desquamate how to return a responsibility? 手掌脱皮是怎么回事?
- Does palmar desquamate use summer what method or it is better to medication? 夏天手掌脱皮用什么方法或药物治疗比较好?
- The characteristics of new hardner and TDI-TMP adduct were compared. 比较了新型固化剂与TDI-TMP加成物性能指标。
- Diacid has been got using diethylene glycol as decomposition agent of adduct. 采用二甘醇作为加合物的分解剂,得到了二元酸。
- Polyamine - epoxy adduct is used as waterborne epoxy hardener generally. 水性环氧固化剂一般采用多元胺-环氧加成物。
- Methods Adopted with digital artery island flap of anastomosing palmar branch of proper digital nerve to repair fingertip defect. 方法采用缝合指固有神经掌侧支的指动脉岛状皮瓣逆行转移修复指腹缺损。
- It's a two-component, chromate-free, epoxy polyamide adduct shop primer especially designed. 是一种不含铬的双组份环氧聚酰胺加成物的车间底漆。
- The shoulder roll is at its maximum angle so that left arm adduction occurs on a stable base. 肩部的旋转达到最大角度以便左臂内收在一个稳定的基底上。
- Results: The true pattern in the palmar hypothenar area showed the pedigree character of monogenic trait in 5 families. 结果:发现手掌小鱼际区真实花纹在五个家系中表现单基因性状的系谱特点。
- In addition, divalent metal adduction provided improved positive mode ionization efficiency for these peptides. 此外,二价金属加合提高了这些肽段的正离子模式离子化效率。
- What reason is palmar desquamate? Some of what food to eat to you can complement? Remedial method is there? 手掌脱皮是什么原因?吃些什么食物可以补充一下?有什么简单点的治疗方法吗?
- Frame #12: The left arm hand/forearm surface is positioned to apply force as adduction of the upper arm commences. 画面12:随着左大臂内收的开始,左臂的手/小臂推水面形成。
- STEP2: Replace palmar rub to knead with finger, OKer the bubble of detersive breast is even. STEP2:以手指取代手掌搓揉,更可以使清洁乳的泡沫均匀。